Jonathan Cahn prophesies America's future on the Thrive Time Show – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2021-11-25
Author and minister Jonathan Cahn prophesied America's future during his Nov. 23 interview with "Thrive Time Show" host Clay Clark on Brighteon.TV. He told the viewers that the signs America is seeing mirror those seen in ancient Israel. Cahn first gained prominence as an author. His 2011 book "The Harbinger" and its 2020 sequel "The Harbinger II" touched on how current events in the U.S. had parallels with past events in ancient Israel. Aside from this, Cahn is also a pastor at the Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, New Jersey. "The harbinger means a sign, a herald or an omen. A sign of something that is yet to come, that could be a good thing. Usually, when we say harbinger, it's a warning – and that's what this is," he said. "The ultimate thing is this: In the last days of ancient Israel, before destruction [and] judgment came, there were nine harbingers – prophetic signs – that appeared in the land. They were warning [the Israelites] what was coming. Those same nine harbingers … warning a nation in danger of judgment have now appeared on American soil. Some have involved American leaders, some have involved ceremonies [and] objects, but they all have appeared in specific detail." The author said the nine biblical signs he wrote about in his 2011 work have had parallels in modern-day America. "You know, the nine all kind of form a message that is based on one Scripture – Isaiah 9:10 – which speaks of the first warning strike that came on ancient Israel." The verse reads: "The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones. The sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place." "Years before the nation's destruction, a warning comes in the form of an enemy strike. It's a warning, a wake up call – then the nation has a [period] of time to come back to God. It happened in the Bible, and again it happened in America with 9/11," Cahn said. (Related: 24 voices that are warning America about what is coming, and most of them are being censored and persecuted.) The author cited the Sept. 12, 2001 speech given by former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) as one example of the prophetic signs he noted in the book. The former senator said at that time: "There is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at times like this. 'The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.' That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover. The people of America will stand strong together because the people of America have always stood together." "Daschle has no idea what he's doing, he has no idea what it even means. But he does the same thing that the leaders of ancient Israel did when they were attacked, that led to the judgment of the nation. He has no idea, but everything he says is prophetic – it happened right on Capitol Hill," Cahn commented. (Related: Remembering 9/11 and the criminal neocons who engineered it to destroy evidence of deep state criminality and the theft of trillions of dollars.)

Cahn: God uses the least likely people to show Himself

Cahn was not exactly a shining example during his younger years. "I was raised going to synagogue [and] I went to Hebrew school. When I was eight years old, I became an atheist – but then I said, 'wait a minute.' As time went on, [I realized] there's got to be something. This doesn't make any sense; it makes no sense to have nothing behind everything." That led him to look up many books, including the "Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey that prompted a change in his thinking. Lindsey's work touched on biblical prophecies that are happening in the present time. "I said 'Lord, I'll make a deal with You – if You give me a long life, I will accept you when I'm on my deathbed.' And then right after that, I almost got killed twice. I [then] said, ''Lord, can we renegotiate the deal? I'll accept you.' When I turned 20, on my 20th birthday, I accepted the Lord," said Cahn. "I'm the least likely person to be telling you anything about God, but He chooses the least likely. God uses the unlikely to show Himself." The "Harbinger" author shared how the book's idea first came to him. "I was standing at the corner of Ground Zero. I saw a tree that had been struck down by [the] 9/11 [attack], and something said 'There's something here you got to look at. There's a mystery here, you have to seek it.' I started doing that and it just kept getting bigger and bigger, until it just blew me away. And that became the beginning of [the book.]" The tree that Cahn saw was a sycamore tree, which was at least 70 years old. It shielded the nearby St. Paul's Cathedral from the resulting damage – at the cost of being dislodged from where it was originally planted. Cahn included this sycamore tree in the book as the sixth harbinger. Watch the full Nov. 23 episode of "Thrive Time Show" with Jonathan Cahn at the video below. Tune in to "Thrive Time Show" every weekday afternoon at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. has more articles about prophecies regarding America's fate. Sources include: