Colorado attempting to normalize pedophilia by replacing "sex offender" terminology with more palatable "adults who commit sexual offenses"
By ethanh // 2021-11-26
The "Sex Offender Management Board" (SOMB) of Colorado recently voted 10-6 to change its "sex offender" terminology to something more palatable and accommodating to pedophiles. According to reports, this state agency, which is tasked with overseeing the registration, parole and rehabilitation of sex offenders, will no longer even use the term "sex offender." Instead, it has chosen to call these people "adults who commit sexual offenses." Last year, the SOMB proposed also eliminating the phrase "sexually violent predators" from the state's criminal code, though that was eventually shelved. At the same time, there is an entire task force in Colorado right now that is trying to convince Gov. Jared Polis, as well as the state legislature, to replace words such as "felon," "convict," and "defendant" with the new politically correct phrase "justice-involved people." At the state board's meeting, rape victim and Second Amendment advocate Kimberly Corbin spoke against the move, accusing left-wing prosecutors and public defenders of moving forward without addressing the concerns and interests of people like herself who were victimized by sexual crimes in Colorado. "Only the Colorado State Legislature can change the name of the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board, preventing the organization's board members from unilaterally changing the name itself," reported Big League Politics. "The change in policy doesn't remove the term sex offender from Colorado state law, either."

The left wants to legalize sex with children

A convicted sex offender also spoke at the meeting, arguing that he should not be labeled a "sex offender" by the state for crimes he says he committed a long time ago that are no longer part of his life. The only problem is that psychological studies have found that sex offenders have a high risk of recidivism, meaning they are prone to committing the same sex crimes a second or third time later in life. The general public also does not approve of sex offenders, generally speaking, and certainly does not want special protections for them to be put in place under the law. "Probationary and oversight programs for sex offenders actually aren't in place in every U.S. state just because the public is uniquely opposed to their crimes," Big League Politics further reported. "Psychological studies of sex offenders indicate that they are at a high risk of recidivism because of sexually compulsive tendencies that lead to the crimes." Jack Dorsey of Twitter is a vocal proponent of sex offenders, having specially crafted his social media platform to accommodate them. The sex trade, including among minors, is alive and well on Twitter, and Dorsey fully supports this. Back in early 2020, we reported on how the "Minor Attracted Persons" (MAPs) phenomenon was gaining support on Twitter, in full compliance with the platform's "community guidelines." In fact, Dorsey altered Twitter's Terms of Service to allow for "discussions related to ... attraction towards minors," just so long as they do not openly promote or glorify "child sexual exploitation." This is more of a technicality, though, as in practice pedophilia is both glorified and promoted on Twitter with no consequences. Conservative speech, on the other hand, is routinely and systematically censored on Twitter because Dorsey considers it to be "misinformation." "Pedo is what the very affluent now enjoy as a replacement for basic promiscuous sex (they got bored with that...)," wrote one commenter at Natural News. "Jack Dorsey is a sick, sick person," wrote another. "He himself may be a pedo. I wonder if he bothered to get any other opinions before he gave permission for the perverts to openly recruit on his platform." More related news about the continued push to normalize pedophilia can be found at Sources for this article include: