Neocon WashPo editor who trashed anti-vaxxers dies of 'sudden cardiac arrest'
By newseditors // 2021-12-08
Washington Post editorial page editor Fred Hiatt, a bloodthirsty neocon who used his position to shill America into the war in Iraq and push forced vaccines, died on Monday after suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. (Article by Chris Menahan republished from Hiatt, 66, "had sudden cardiac arrest on Nov. 24 while visiting his daughter in Brooklyn, said his wife, Margaret 'Pooh' Shapiro, and did not regain consciousness," the Post reported. The Post imposed a vaccine mandate back in July to "help safeguard the health and safety" of employees, though they provided exceptions for medical and religious reasons. Hiatt's vaccination/booster status is not clear but as we all know, the sudden surge in heart disease throughout the West is purely a coincidence. Under Hiatt's leadership, the Post hired neocon agents like Jennifer RubinMichael Gerson and Anne Applebaum who helped lie the American public into the war in Iraq. Hiatt published "at least" 27 editorials pushing for war in the six months preceding the invasion, according to PBS's Bill Moyers. Despite relentlessly pushing the Russiagate hoax and attacking Donald Trump from all fronts on the Post's editorial page, Hiatt published articles praising him for attacking Syria (based on lies). Though Hiatt was a rabid neocon when it came to American foreign policy, he was a radical leftist on domestic policy. He published endless editorials advocating for Big Tech censorshiphate speech lawsmass immigration, gun control, forced vaccines, covid tyranny, transgenderism, anti-white critical race theory, fake meat and so on. Hiatt embodied the worst of the worst in America. Read more at: