Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine
By newseditors // 2021-12-10
On December 9, I interviewed Alix Mayer, President, Children's Health Defense, California Chapter. (Article republished from She’s vaccine injured from a set of vaccines she took prior to a business trip. She’s never recovered. Here’s the interview on Rumble. Key things I learned from talking with Alix:
  1. All the 16 childhood vaccines should be considered unsafe because all the safety data shows that kids are uniformly less healthy after taking the vaccines. However, all the papers published in medical journals documenting this have been censored and the people who wrote them have lost their jobs.
  2. The CDC is supposed to be assessing the safety of the children’s vaccines every 2 years. They have never done this. They even admit it. They don’t have any plans to comply with the law. Nobody is holding them accountable.
  3. There has been a huge increase in autism and other disabling conditions after vaccination. There is no doubt they are linked.
  4. RFK, Jr. has been trying to get a debate with the CDC for 20 years about the safety of the childhood vaccines. The CDC will not debate him. They refuse to be put in a situation where they could be asked questions that they don’t want to answer. Someone is hiding in the shadows and it isn’t RFK, Jr.
  5. Judy Mikovits discovered impurities in the vaccines but they forced out of her job to silence her.
Hashtag: #covidshotregret | GETTR Some comments from my subscribers:
  1. After almost 20 years of investigation, a parliamentary report in Italy (2018) concluded that the vaccines were unsafe. They investigated the over mortality death rate of military.
Here are some notes from Alix: Read more at: