Mike Adams talks about fundraising platform GiveSendGo.com with Heather Wilson – Brighteon.TV
By matthewdavisdw // 2021-12-20
Mike Adams talked about the Christian-based fundraising platform GiveSendGo.com with its co-founder Heather Wilson during the Dec.16 edition of "Health Ranger Report" on Brighteon.TV. In 2016, Wilson and her brother launched the fundraising platform to help people raise money for worthy causes without the insane censorship of some of the other platforms. Social media, according to Wilson, is becoming bigger and one of the fundraising platforms available was GoFundMe. But she felt the need for a platform in the market for conservatives, or people who have a different view compared to the mainstream media. "Looking back, we know that God planted the idea back then, so that today there would be a vehicle that would not be censoring people," said Wilson. Adams said more and more people are hearing about GiveSendGo.com, which is hosting the fundraiser for Greg Catan, who is on life support in Ecuador. Adams described Catan as somebody who exercises free speech.

GoFundMe hosts fundraisers for murderers, violent criminals and terrorists

Saying that GoFundMe is happy hosting fundraisers for murderers, violent criminals and terrorists, as long as they're on the political side of the of the left, Adams noted that GiveSendGo.com "hosts a big diversity of different things." Adams and Wilson talked about Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty of shooting two men in Kenosha, Wisconsin by the jury. The teenager said he shot the two in self-defense during the height of protests and riots that followed after the shooting of a black man. (Related: Alan Dershowitz: Kyle Rittenhouse should be acquitted, sue media outlets.) "Those platforms, they don't mind hosting terrorists, but then Kyle Rittenhouse, who has been found innocent, they banned him from their network when all he was doing was defending himself. And the courts have now affirmed that. The jury has affirmed that," said Adams. Wilson said GiveSendGo.com is growing year after year and becoming the Christian alternative. "Then all of a sudden, one day we wake up to a lot of hate mail and death threats. And we see this campaign, this young man named Kyle. We're reading things on him and someone had come to our platform and started a campaign for Kyle, because he had been taken off every other platform," recalled Wilson, who said it is incredible that other platforms weren't allowing the young man to raise money for legal defense. Wilson said all citizens can hire an attorney they can afford in the United States. "It shouldn't just be for the wealthy people. And so people living with no means should be able to raise money. They should be able to raise money for a lawyer and get the best lawyer they can so that when they go to court, if they are found guilty, it's not because they didn't have a good lawyer," explained Wilson. Wilson said they allowed the fundraising campaign for Rittenhouse because everybody is presumed innocent until you're found guilty in a court of law. "We allowed the campaign in the presumption of innocence. And even if he did it, even if he went out and he shot those people on purpose, he deserves to be able to defend himself on why he did it. And so we allowed him to campaign," Wilson said.

Left attacks GiveSendGo.com for helping Rittenhouse

By helping Rittenhouse, Wilson said people attacked GiveSendGo.com and tried to take it down. "People want to say, 'Oh, are you a right-leaning website?' And we say no, we don't lean either way. We just stand for freedom, because our goal is to share the hope we found in Jesus to anybody who comes on our platform." But Wilson made it clear that GiveSendGo.com will never raise money to do something criminal like killing a child even in one’s womb or bombing the White House. "We're not going to just allow you to go and harm somebody else on purpose," said Wilson. Wilson also assured that their platform makes sure the name that is listed on a fundraising campaign is the actual recipient of the fund. "We 100 percent guarantee that if it says John Smith is getting the fund, then John Smith's bank account is attached to that," said Wilson. She added that when a campaign gets bigger and goes viral, they always tell people to make sure they do due diligence. "It's like a Hunter Biden's campaign. So I'm raising money for painting canvases, then it ends up on crack and hookers. So you know, if you donate to Hunter Biden, that's your fault," commented Adams. Watch the full De. 16 episode of the "Health Ranger Report" with Mike Adams below. Tune in to the "Health Ranger Report" from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV. Follow Patriot.news for more articles about Christian patriots in the United States. Sources include: Brighteon.com NPR.org