IVF clinics say miscarriages and other reproductive abnormalities skyrocketed right after covid "vaccines" were unleashed
By ethanh // 2021-12-22
Ever since around March of this year, in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics have seen a massive surge in miscarriages and other serious problems, all apparently stemming from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines." American entrepreneur Steve Kirsch says an "informant" told him that rates of miscarriage have basically doubled ever since the Operation Warp Speed injections were unleashed by Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump. A Ph.D. was brought into the clinic where the informant reportedly works, her job being to look at "every possible variable" that might have impacted this rapid spike – all possible variables except for one, it turns out. The Operation Warp Speed jabs were completely excluded from the investigation, which led the Ph.D. to claim that "nothing was common" to all of these women. She basically concluded that the phenomenon is a "fluke" without explanation. There is a big elephant in the room, though, and that is the vaccines. The IVF clinic problems really ramped up right at the same time that the shots started getting pushed by fake "president" Joe Biden. A 42-page report produced by the Health Independence Alliance explains that due to the vaccine, the miscarriage rate jumped from 28 percent to 40 percent, a 43 percent increase. The report also contains detailed stories about disabilities, deaths and a wide range of other adverse events clearly stemming from the injections. "Conclusion: The vaccines should be immediately stopped," Kirsch writes about the report's findings.

IVF workers are now spotting "unknown contaminants" in embryo wells

From March through May, the miscarriage rate actually jumped by over 50 percent. Clinic workers say they have never seen anything like this before, and it all occurred right after the jabs were released. Keep in mind that IVF clinics do not track anyone's vaccination status. It is their perspective that the jabs are completely "safe and effective," so they are not even a consideration when it comes to tracking changes in reproductive patterns. Even so, there were some very abrupt changes that occurred immediately as millions of Americans were rolling up their sleeves in order to "Build Back Better" (6uild 6ack 6etter), as Biden's post-plandemic agenda is called. "One woman had very reliably donated 30 or more eggs each time she came in which yielded 5 to 8 embryos," Kirsch writes about one specific case. "In May, she got her second shot of the vaccine and then came in to donate a couple of weeks later." "The clinic was shocked: All of the embryos had all arrested when they checked them on day 5. None of them reached the stage where the trophectoderm forms. I'm told this sort of thing is exactly what you'd expect from the vaccine." There are also "unknown contaminants" reportedly being spotted in the wells with the embryos. The presence of these contaminants really started ramping up around August, Kirsch reports. Despite all this, IVF clinics are not reporting these problems publicly. Instead, internal whistleblowers are having to come forward to spill the beans because their superiors and the companies that employ them apparently want to keep the truth under wraps. "What kind of medical practitioners would allow anyone to use an IVF clinic with no safety data on the gene altering injections," asked one reader at Kirsch's Substack. "Surely this is malpractice." "This just happened to me and my wife last week," wrote another. "Had 12 good embryos at day 3 – everything looked great. Then development stopped. At day 5, none had progressed to a satisfactory point. We're both young, healthy, etc. I'm a dirty unvaxxed. She had 2 shots of Pfizer this spring." More of the latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: SteveKirsch.substack.com Yahoo.com Drive.Google.com NaturalNews.com