Elon Musk: Wokeness, political correctness "biggest threats to modern civilization"
By arseniotoledo // 2021-12-23
Billionaire tech giant and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk recently said that wokeness and political correctness are "the biggest threats to modern civilization." Musk, the wealthiest man in the world, made these comments recently during an appearance on the podcast of conservative satirical news website The Babylon Bee. "Wokeness basically wants to make comedy illegal," said Musk. "Do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate, basically? It should be okay to be humorous." "At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary and hateful. It basically gives mean people … a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue." Musk also talked about comedian Dave Chappelle, who faced extreme backlash over his recent Netflix special, "The Closer," because he spoke openly about his views on transgender people and his experiences with a comedian who identified as trans. Critics called Chappelle "transphobic" for his comments and proceeded to gather supporters in an attempt to get the comedian "canceled." In one instance, they even tried to prevent Chappelle's old high school from honoring his achievements. According to Musk, given the penchant of left-wing comedians to prioritize "cancel culture" and their "woke agenda" the day will come when they will have nobody else to cancel but themselves. During the interview, Musk also criticized The Babylon Bee's main rival, The Onion, another popular satirical news website. Musk said he used to be a huge fan of The Onion until it became "politically correct." "It's gone the 'SNL' ['Saturday Night Live'] direction, sort of leftist," he said. "It will not really make fun of anything on the left." He pointed out that both The Onion and "Saturday Night Live" have heavily leaned left-wing in recent years and have introduced "a lot of no-fly zones," or topics that they will refuse to cover or make jokes about. "I used to be a huge fan of SNL, but … I think they have some good stuff, but many, if not most SNL episodes, are kind of a moral lecture on why we are bad human beings instead of comedy," he said. "They will beat on Ted Cruz 17,000 times and you're like, 'Ok, we get it.'" Musk added that he believes The Onion used to be fairer and more "even-handed" with the topics it satirized until it was infected by the "woke mind virus," which he said is a very prevalent kind of mind virus and one that represented "arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization."

Musk takes swipes at mainstream media, California Democrats

At the beginning of his interview with The Babylon Bee, Musk lamented the fact that California is no longer the "land of opportunity" it used to be. He said it has now become the "land of over-regulation, over-litigation and scorn." His interviewers agreed and said California's Democratic leaders and left-wing policies have transformed it into the state it now is. "Gavin Newsom is U-Haul salesman of the year," joked Musk. This was referring to California's supply chain crisis and the lack of available truck drivers to deliver goods out of the state's heavily congested ports. It has led to more business owners renting and purchasing U-Haul trucks to get and deliver their own goods. In a different part of the interview, one of the interviewers from The Babylon Bee joked that he could be on "a real news organization" like mainstream media outlet CNN instead of spending an hour with them. Musk laughed and said he "wasn't perverted enough" to be on CNN. This is a clear reference to the recent firings of anchor Chris Cuomo and a senior producer who was arrested by the FBI for allegedly paying the mother of a nine-year-old to engage in illicit sexual acts with the child. (Related: 'My boy Chris:' Social media posts reveal CNN's alleged pedo was close friends with Chris Cuomo.) Watch this episode of InfoWars as Alex Jones delves deep into Musk's comments regarding wokeness, political correctness and how they threaten modern civilization. Watch more InfoWars videos on the show's official channel on Brighteon.com. PoliticalCorrectness.news has the latest news about wokeness, political correctness and the woke mob. Sources include: InfoWars.com ABCNews4.com RepublicWorld.com