Top 10 Ways the Biden Regime HOODWINKED Americans' safety, health, livelihood in 2021
By sdwells // 2021-12-26
Besides all the other myths of the new administration in Washington DC, including the fake global warming propaganda, a pretend "build back better" campaign and the lie that printing trillions of dollars will stimulate the economy, three-fourths of all Americans were culled and conned into participating in the destruction of their own health, safety and livelihood in 2021. The Big Pharma machine simply wasn't incapacitating humans at a fast enough rate, so the vaccine industrial complex, along with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci at the helm, designed a "microwave" version of injected illness the likes of which the world has never seen.

Most people who believe in vaccines still don't know about deadly mercury, squalene, circovirus, aborted human fetal cells or toxic spike proteins

Mercury has been used for decades in people's dental fillings and in the multi-dose influenza vaccines (a.k.a. flu shots) to lower overall intelligence and critical thinking, just like the fluoride purposely put in municipal tap water. This alone is enough to keep people from discussing toxins in water, medicine and food to the level they need to realize what is happening to them. Next, people are psychologically and chemically traumatized repeatedly by lab-manipulated viruses, pathogens and parasites in vaccines, including deadly wild pig viruses in the Rotavirus vaccines, and abortion cells for those cannibalizing injections that disturb the central nervous system while annihilating the immune system's normal function. By accomplishing all of this, the clot shot Covid-19 jabs are like nails in the coffin of health. Everyone fighting obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, chronic inflammation, arthritis, osteoporosis and chronic nutritional deficiency are about to find out that the "booster" shots are boosters into their own early graves.

Biden regime and the Vaccine Industrial Complex OWN the highly corrupt FDA and CDC

The Biden Regime practically owns the FDA and the CDC. It's all one huge cartel now, with the most evil criminals the world has ever seen. Sadly, two of every three Americans are under the physical and psychological "spell" that the medicine demons have cast since The Covid Scare began. So, without further adieu, here are the top 10 ways the Biden regime HOODWINKED Americans' safety, health and livelihood in 2021: #1. They assured Americans the COVID-19 vaccines were "safe and effective" even though the clinical trials reveal nightmarish adverse events, including a high death ratio. #2. They blamed inflation on greedy, paranoid Americans who are "hording" and "prepping" for no good reason, even though we're on the brink of an economic tsunami. #3. They claim booster shots are now needed, even though the booster shots are MORE dangerous than the first round, and haven't even been tested in proper clinical trials. #4. They claimed they had to pull out of Afghanistan like an emergency and didn't have "enough time" to take their tanks, rocket launchers and ballistic missiles with them. #5. They claimed all "non-essential" (non-corporate) businesses were unsafe and unnecessary to run during the pandemic, bankrupting thousands of small-to-medium-sized businesses (because small businesses are the backbone of America). #6. They propagated forced-mask-wearing mandates that cause people to suffer from bacterial infections of the mouth and restricted oxygen flow to the brain. #7. The used false-positive PCR tests and inflated "Covid" death counts to scare Americans into compliance and submission to deadly gene-mutating 'vaccinations'. #8. They gas-lighted the fake race war. #9. They baited the Jan. 6th protesters into the Capital and jailed them indefinitely as "domestic terrorists," after BLM/Antifa destroyed every metropolitan Democrat-run city all year (by committing terrorist acts like arson, rape, murder and vandalism). #10. They opened the US southern border for millions of illegal immigrants to invade America so they could spread Covid and vote for more Democrat-socialist-communist destruction of the Republic. For reliable health news on the internet, tune to for updates on experimental vaccines (all of the Covid shots) that cause blood clots and other horrific side effects. Sources for this article include: