"And right now, we're seeing corruption live, even in terms of Big Pharma, which is a huge topic on the minds of mothers especially, you're seeing what's happening at these school board meetings." Before Owens could finish asking her question, Trump interrupted her to start bragging about the injections with his usual script. Owens continued to talk over him, though, to finish her question and attempt to not let him avoid answering it, which he proceeded to do regardless. "We would have had a 1917 – remember the Spanish Flu, killed perhaps 100 million people," lied Trump in his response. "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines, all are very, very good, came up with three of them in less than nine months." When Owens pressed Trump a second time about how more people are dying now that his "vaccines" have been widely deployed, Trump responded with even more lies, blaming the unvaccinated for widespread illness in the fully vaccinated. "Well, no, the vaccine worked, but some people aren't taking them," Trump said, parroting the corporate media and the Biden regime. "The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones who don't take their vaccine." More related news about Trump can be found at Deception.news. Sources for this article include: TheBurningPlatform.com NaturalNews.com YouTu.be Twitter.comIn recent interview with Candace Owens, Trump refers to the vaccine as “the greatest achievement of mankind”.
Trump then goes on to say, “the ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take that vaccine”. pic.twitter.com/hychcTle8l — ???? ࿊ (@psychicjess777) December 22, 2021
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