Government continues risky push for vaccines despite growing reports of adverse reactions, deaths
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-01-12
The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that COVID-19 vaccines officially have over one million adverse effects cases and 21,000 deaths. The data, which was compiled for the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), revealed over 3,400 miscarriages by pregnant women and over 35,000 permanently disabled individuals. Moreover, over 110,000 people ended up in hospitals due to adverse reactions to their vaccine shots. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, the strength of VAERS lies in its national scope, which can provide quick and early warnings for safety problems regarding vaccines. As part of the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) multi-system approach to post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring, the program is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events. Despite these massive numbers, reports to VAERS remain voluntary, which means that it is highly likely that there are far more unreported cases than reported ones. Many physicians and scientists believe that the true figures are actually much higher, with a recent study led by a Columbia University researcher putting the actual figures to be higher by a factor of 20. If the underreporting factor is correct, then it would mean that there have actually been around 400,000 deaths due to COVID-19 vaccines. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has previously held forums featuring testimonies of individuals injured by the vaccines, noting that among the deaths reported to the CDC, 30 percent occurred within two days after vaccination. (Related: Study reveals FEWER than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS.) In the abstract from the Columbia study, the researchers noted that accurate estimates of the COVID vaccine-induced severe adverse events and death rates are critical for risk-benefit ratio analyses of the vaccinations and boosters against the virus in different age groups. The health department also pointed out that the VAERS report is not documentation that shows a link is established between a vaccine and an adverse event. However, they noted that VAERS is a "passive" system of reporting, and it receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Related: Creator of mRNA tech banned on Twitter for warning public about COVID vaccine adverse effects.)

FDA data show massive adverse events numbers

Files that have been obtained from the FDA in November through the Freedom of Information Act recorded 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine in the first six weeks of distribution, including nearly 36,000 incidents of "nervous system disorders." The lawsuit was filed by a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency and is comprised of over 30 professors and scientists from respected universities such as Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown. With court papers filed in December, the FDA proposed that it be given 55 years to release all 329,000 pages of documents related to the Pfizer vaccine, as requested by the group. It has since been modified to move the delay for up to 75 years.

Vaccines ineffective against omicron variant?

As the world is moving forward with the omicron variant of the coronavirus, it seems that the new strain has mutated so much that it ignores both vaccines and natural immunity from people who have already recovered from sickness. Most public health authorities are pushing again for another shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, with Israel now administering fourth doses to its citizens. However, it seems that the timeline between boosters is becoming shorter as cases continue to rise. The need for a booster is contradicted by data that indicate the current inoculations do not prevent people from getting infected with the omicron variant. John Abramson, a doctor from Harvard Medical School said that the first step is for people to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve the health of Americans in the most effective and efficient manner. "In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize the financial return on investment, not health," he said. Watch the video below for more information on vaccine adverse effects. This video is from the "JourneyOfAdam" channel on Read more updates at Sources include: