Virginia school board wants to eliminate grading and allow "unlimited redoes" of assignments in latest insane push for "equitable" grading practices
By jdheyes // 2022-01-12
Left-wing cultural 'revolutionaries' who have dominated public education for far too long are continuing their efforts to further dumb down future generations by eliminating stringent academic requirements under the manufactured premise of achieving "equity." Ground zero for this most recent craziness is Virginia, despite the fact that voters threw out Democrats during last fall's elections in large part because Republican candidates were promising parents they would help them push back on the left-wing education insanity. According to WJLA, 'educators' are pushing for a system that removes penalties for late homework assignments, would not allow students to earn extra credit to improve their grades, allows for multiple redoes of assignments, and eliminates grading on homework, all of which combined would set students up for a lifetime of underachieving failure, since the real world will require them as adults to be competent and perform to higher standards. Supporters of this proposal argue (wrongly) that penalizing students for late assignments can lead to inaccurate grading. They also say, without merit, that students who don't have as many 'resources' are penalized when other students are able to earn extra credit -- as those 'underprivileged' students have never met or surpassed educational expectations since the public education system was established. Also, supporters say that students ought not to be graded on their homework assignments "because the fear of making mistakes will have a negative impact on their learning process," Fox News added. "There’s no labeling of students or ranking of students," said Dr. Erin Russo, the principal of Discovery Elementary, during a meeting on the proposal. "It’s the ownership of what do I need to work on and where am I?" But there are many sane teachers left in the public school system, including in Virginia, and several at Wakefield High School in Virginia fired off a letter to the Arlington County Superintendent pushing back against the idiocy. "As educators with decades of experience in APS, we are extremely concerned with several changes proposed in the new grading and homework policy," the letter said. "We believe that these changes will impact student learning and socio-emotional development and growth in a negative way. The changes, if implemented, will also result in the decline of high expectations and rigor in the classroom across all APS high schools." The teachers go on to say in their letter that imposing assignment deadlines and issuing corrections put students on the road to developing skills they will need throughout their adult lives, including "organizational, time and stress management skills" that will help them "grow as responsible, civically engaged, and considerate young adults." Also, they wrote, "to achieve these ends, students should be held accountable for completing their work in a timely manner and meeting deadlines that were reasonably established by their teachers." In addition, the teachers voiced concerns that without imposing grading and deadlines for assignments, it would create a "nightmare scenario" for teacher evaluations. "Finally, given the emphasis on equity in today’s education systems, we believe that some of the proposed changes will actually have a detrimental impact towards achieving this goal," the letter said, according to the outlet. "Families that have means could still provide challenging and engaging academic experiences for their children and will continue to do so, especially if their child(ren) are not experiencing expected rigor in the classroom. More specifically, those families can afford to hire tutors and sign-up their child(ren) to attend enrichment activities and camps in hopes of preparing them for the college application/admission process," the letter continued. "Students who come from families which are not as ‘savvy’ or ‘aware,’ will be subject to further disadvantage because they will not be held accountable for not completing their homework assignments and/or formative assessments according to the deadlines set by their teachers: such results are anything but equitable--conversely, they offer our most needy students reduced probability of preparing for and realizing post-secondary opportunities," it adds. 'Equity' is just a fabricated term to replace "equality" and give it a racist, anti-white component. But it is also a term used to set students up to fail. These people have no business teaching our kids. Sources include: