Friend or enemy of TRUTH? Pentagon's new UFO office dividing ufologists
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-14
The United States government is back in the business of studying unidentified flying objects (UFOs) with the establishment of a new Department of Defense investigative office that will study unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP). But not all UFO believers, or ufologists, are excited about it. The creation of the new office, signed into law just before New Year's Day, has already split the association of activists, researchers and pseudo-scientists who are looking for proof that humans are not alone in the universe. Some welcomed the legislation, inserted into Section 1683 of the National Defense Authorization Act, for delivering new resources, accuracy and management to the investigation of a phenomenon and possible national security threat. "Our national security efforts rely on aerial supremacy and these phenomena present a challenge to our dominance," said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who led the bipartisan measure. "The United States needs a coordinated effort to take control and understand whether these aerial phenomena belong to a foreign government or something else altogether." It has been decades ago since Washington D.C. began learning about UFOs. But the UFO movement has believed for a long time that the government is covering up this historic secret since the feds have clamped down anything about it for several years before it became acceptable for former presidents and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) directors to talk about it publicly. Debates on social media and forums like AboveTopSecret, a hub for ufology and conspiracy theories, have been raging about whether the new agency will finally end the alleged cover-ups or bring about a new revival. "This is a subject with a provable history of secrecy, and anything that lacks a new openness about the information is subject to more, possibly inappropriate control," said Ron James, a spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network, which calls itself "the oldest and largest UFO organization in the world." "We don't see that this means new resources will be dedicated to the matter. We believe that considerable resources have always been dedicated to the matter at some level inside deep government and industry." Former government insiders Luis Elizondo and Christopher Mellon, who helped revive interests in UAPs by releasing video from military aircraft, hailed Gillibrand's amendment. But they are worried that it will be watered down before its final passage and that the Pentagon will eventually bury it. Elizondo denounced the Pentagon's decision to put the new UAP bureau under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, which he mentioned is the "perfect place to put it" if "we want 70 more years of secrecy on this topic." Activists complain about the lack of private engagement in the new Pentagon office and believe that it will only classify anything that it finds interesting so that its unclassified reports to Congress will just be a little thing.

Aliens are here to help

Dr. Steven Greer, who describes himself as the "world's expert on UFOs" after retiring from the medical profession to hunt for aliens, criticized the belief that UFOs must be treated as a national security threat. Aliens, according to Greer, are here to help us, and the military-industrial complex is lobbying the peril they pose and establishing the U.S. Space Force to prepare for interplanetary war, disputing that movies like "Independence Day" are part of false stories made by covert groups attempting to create fear of extraterrestrials. (Related: Experts clarify the role of the Pentagon’s newest UFO task force) Stephen Bassett, the only lobbyist dedicated to the acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence by the U.S. government, said that he sees this moment as the completion of everything he and others have been working on. "This isn't a new psy-ops program. It is a planned effort to end the truth embargo. While I appreciate those who are skeptical, that group has tried to find the dark side of every development – the hidden hand," Bassett explained. Bassett sees the new agency as part of a multiyear plan by a group of insiders to force the government to disclose that it has talked with aliens for decades. "This is a sea change brought about by the work of thousands of people and activists over 70 years. But some of these people can't help but see it as a clever black ops mission," Bassett said. Meanwhile, the Pentagon moved swiftly to establish the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group to synchronize efforts across the agency and the U.S. government to detect, identify and attribute objects of interests. The military clarified that its main focus will be on incursions into restricted airspace like military bases, aside from drones and new technologies made by the Russians, Chinese and other nations.

US has secret agenda in unexpected UFO disclosure

A world leading investigator, however, has alleged that the U.S. has a secret agenda in its unexpected push for UFO disclosure. Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense (MoD), said that the world may never know why the Pentagon has done a U-turn after decades of denial on unidentified phenomena. Pope, who investigated UFOs when he worked for the MoD in the 1990s, believes that hidden forces are working behind closed doors. "For years, the U.S. government had been like the U.K. is now on this issue – very defensive with a policy usually of denial, debunking and commenting as little as possible," Pope said. "And now in the last three and a half years, that policy has been flipped 180 degrees. Every time the story is dying down its almost as if the U.S. government itself is throwing gasoline on the fire and stoking the story up." The former UFO investigator stressed that beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is a sort of hidden strategic agenda here that Congress, the media and the public do not yet understand and may never understand. "Something is playing out right now, powerful forces are at work behind the scenes, pulling the strings on this. You can understand what is happening – U.S. Navy videos, guidance to pilots, classified briefings to Congress, but the why? Nobody knows," Pope said. Pope added that there is a lot of speculation with some people thinking it is factional or it could be events-led. "There could be something about the phenomena which is just going to be undeniable very shortly and this is the U.S. government trying to get out ahead of the story and drive the narrative," Pope noted. Watch the video below to know more about UFOs and aliens. This video is from The Outlier channel on Follow to know more about UFOs, UAPs and aliens.  Sources include: