States with highest covid vaccination rates also seeing highest surge in omicron cases
By ethanh // 2022-01-14
Getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) stops the spread, right? Wrong. The latest data shows that the more vaccinated a state, the higher the rate of omicron (moronic) and other "variants." Data scientist and Ph.D. dropout Emily Burns compiled a slew of evidence that she posted to Twitter showing that the top ten most vaccinated states now have about 400 percent more cases now compared to last year. While case rates last year right around the time when the shots were first introduced under Operation Warp Speed were roughly equal between vaccinated and unvaccinated states, things have since changed. Now that all that Fauci Flu juice has had a chance to do its damage inside "fully vaccinated" people's bodies, the negative impact of the jabs has never been clearer. "Looking at 10 MOST-VAXED states, and 10 LEAST-VAXED states, we see that comparing Year-of-Year % change, there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE ...," Burns tweeted. "Except that NOW, the 10 most-vaxed have nearly 400% HIGHER cases than last year, where 10 LEAST-vaxed, 'only' up 112%." In other words, Fauci Flu cases have increased dramatically ever since Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump's injections got into the arms of tens of millions of Americans. "The large difference (nearly 4x) b/n % increase in YoY cases b/n 10 most-vaxed & 10 least-vaxed may be explained by vaxes negative efficacy (increased likelihood of infection) for omicron," Burns added. "Neg efficacy means more vax = more cases – which we see."

Most vaccinated states also seeing divergent surge in deaths while deaths in least vaccinated states decrease

In Ontario, Can., for instance, negative vaccine effectiveness is now being reported after the first two doses. This means that people are losing immunity after taking them. "Receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vax not protective against Omicron infection at any point," a study further found. Another serious concern is the recent divergence in death rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated states. It turns out that the most highly vaccinated states are seeing a sudden surge in deaths while deaths in the least vaccinated states are now on the decline. Burns further explains that jab rates in most states are 90 percent or higher in the 65+ age group. Between 95-99 percent of this age group on average has received at least one dose. "The diff between single vax and double vax in 65+ is not likely due to some kind of late-budding anti-vax sentiments," Burns says. "It's likely due to bad rxns. [Increased] spread means [increased] risk for these fragile people." "Given repeated studies showing negative vax efficacy – immediately in the case of Omicron, the current push to vax everyone, even kids who are not at-risk, and previously infected, may well be putting elderly who are two [sic] fragile to get two doses at risk." The situation is a mess, to say the least – especially with jab mandates pressing in on every side. It is undeniably clear that the injections are decreasing health and increasing illness and death. The question is: Will the masses ever finally object to this mass genocide? "Omicron is an excuse to cover up vaccine damage," one commenter wrote about the situation. "The Fraudci narrative is crumbling big time," wrote another. "We are talking about a head cold," chimed in someone else, presumably in reference to omicron. "This is insane!" "So the only thing the jab does is give you side effects for the rest of your life ... snake oil!" wrote another. "This is why Pfizer and Moderna canceled the control groups." "What can you expect when the immune system is compromised?" asked another, referring to the fully vaccinated. "Of course colds will get you!" The latest Fauci Flu news can be found at Sources for this article include: