Joe Biden's 'woke' military prepares for war upon America as 'paper's please' becomes official policy in Washington DC - We've seen this madness before and the road leads to destruction
With the capitol of the United States, Washington DC, going full-scale Nazi '
paper's please,' quite literally busting out the
'yellow stars not permitted', disallowing the unvaccinated to enter dozens of types of different indoor establishments effective on January 15th, we have to take a look within this story at the latest signs the globalists are preparing to go after those who are '
dissenting' to growing tyranny with massive military exercises coming up at the end of January into February called '
Robin Sage'.
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from
Described by
this Stars and Stripes story as
"a 'realistic' guerrilla war that will be fought across two dozen North Carolina counties this month, with young soldiers battling seasoned 'freedom fighters'” according to the U.S. Army release, their story reports the two-week
“unconventional warfare exercise” will be staged from January 22nd to February 4th,
"and it will be realistic enough to include the sounds of gunfire (blanks) and flares".
And while we'd hope that these '
exercises' were truly being carried out to prepare these young soldiers for combat overseas (though we hope overseas combat is avoided!), as
this Daily Mail story that
Steve Quayle had linked to on his website recently pointed out, these '
Robin Sage exercises' sound much more like rehearsal for a Civil War in America, something we also pray will be avoided.
Yet while governments which are imposing tyranny, such as the '
yellow star's not allowed' being unveiled in Washington DC, are busy demonizing those who '
don't comply' with their tyranny as being '
radical', and these Robin Sage '
exercises' are built around '
battling freedom fighters', the '
exercises' also
follow the DOJ's creation of a new 'domestic terrorism' unit as the nation faces what officials said is an 'elevated threat from domestic violent extremists.'
So governments happily allow themselves to unveil tyranny upon entire human populations, while anyone who opposes that tyranny is labeled as '
a radical'. As
Susan Duclos had warned in this ANP story just days ago titled
"They Claimed None Of These Things Could Happen In America, Called Them 'Conspiracies' And 'Unreliable And Harmful,' Claims, Yet They Have All Come True In The Past Year", the unfolding tyranny the independent media has long warned about has been
'normalized' before our eyes.
So where will one need to '
show their papers' in Washington DC starting January 15th? The list.:
On January 15, 2022, per Mayor’s Order 2021-148, the District of Columbia will adopt a city wide vaccination entry requirement that requires COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor facilities within the city.
Guidances Vaccination Entry Requirement for Certain Businesses – Guidance and FAQ Timeline for Vaccine Requirements January 15, 2022: one dose for ages 12+ February 15, 2022: fully vaccinated for ages 12+ Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is required in the following locations:
Indoor food and drink establishments, such as:
Coffee shops
Food halls
Indoor cultural and entertainment establishments, such as:
Concert, live entertainment and sporting venues
Movie theatres
Bowling alleys
Indoor exercise and recreational establishments, such as:
Fitness studios
Indoor event and meeting establishments, such as:
Required Signage
Beginning on January 15, 2022, businesses shall display prominently, visible to patrons prior to entry, a notice informing patrons that proof of vaccination is required to enter any indoor portion of a covered location.
People who are still left in Washington DC and across the country should begin boycotting any businesses sporting signs such as the one seen below from
this 'VAX DC' website of their mayor Muriel Bowser. You'll certainly never catch us spending any of our money on anything associated with this '
anti-freedom', '
pro-tyranny' movement going on all across America.

So let's go ahead and take a look at
this new story over at the Daily Mail reporting on Robin Sage, and some of the comments from that story. Reading just like the latest '
martial law' drill to be carried out across America, the
Daily Mail story even brings up these drills being used to get US troops accustomed to slaughtering fellow Americans. From the story first.:
Young Army soldiers will be battling 'seasoned freedom fighters' across two dozen North Carolina counties in a two-week 'guerrilla warfare exercise' where they attempt to overthrow an 'illegitimate government'.
News of the training exercise comes just days after the anniversary of the Capitol riot and as the Justice Department announces the creation of a new 'domestic terrorism' unit to tackle what officials said is an 'elevated threat from domestic violent extremists'.
Some questioned the close timing of the events, while others went further with fears that the Biden administration is 'preparing for American Uprising'.
'Biden's military wargames fighting and killing American "Freedom Fighters" in guerilla (sic) warfare,' one Twitter user posted in reaction to news of the guerilla warfare training on US soil.
Another Twitter user even questioned if the government was 'trying to get troops accustomed to the idea of killing fellow Americans?'
Yet as the
top-voted comments on the story pointed out, any such moves by government against the American people would end up disastrously, especially with 475 million+ guns in the country owned by law abiding American citizens and the original intent of the 2nd Amendment having nothing to do with '
deer hunting'.
Whatever liberal fantasy you have about using the military against Americans is exactly that, a fantasy. Number one it is unconstitutional. Number two, a brother against brother conflict will have no winners. Half would not comply, and then you would have war. Who would want that other than our enemies?
Beats me what it is, but the political climate feels like it's going to blow. Big time. People cannot take being lied to about SO MANY things for an extended period. This country is going somewhere that it will never return from.
The Pentagon is conducting war exercises against American citizens on American soil. Sounds like a paranoid conspiracy theory to me....except it is not.
worst-voted comment on the other hand called for sedition in 2024, dropping this doozy.:
Good move. America needs an army unit to take the government back should Trump or DeSantis win in 2024.
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