GET PAID TO MURDER BABIES: Democrat-run cities increasingly providing workers paid time off for abortions under "parental leave" rules
By jdheyes // 2022-01-16
Even as the U.S. Supreme Court appears set to put a huge dent in its landmark Roe v. Wade decision, circa 1973, that overturned every state law banning abortions, Democrat-run cities are increasingly passing legislation that provides paid leave to workers for the procedure. Portland, Oregon, and Boston, among others, have all passed ordinances that give city workers paid time off following the procedure, according to National Review. And, of course, the leftists who run these cities are inventing new terms to hide what they're really doing: In Boston, the city council amended its paid parental leave policy to include employees suffering from “pregnancy loss.” This might sound as though the policy applies to parents who lost a child after a stillbirth or miscarriage. But in fact the policy also includes parents who “experience . . . a termination” — in other words, those who have had an abortion. As the outlet points out, whether you support abortion or not, providing employees paid time off to have the procedure under "parental leave policy" is outrageous, since the individuals involved chose specifically to not become parents. “It’s important to recognize that employees need time to address their reproductive health needs . . . and they may need time to process what they’re experiencing,” Andrea Miller, president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health, said in an interview with Oregon Public News. She went on to label the policy “a really important step forward,” noting that it could help “destigmatize” abortion. Fat chance. Abortion is going to be stigmatized one way or the other simply because it is an act of ending the life of a growing human being, and if the procedure wasn't so horrific and so stigmatizing, these left-wing Democrats would not be inventing words and phrases to hide what they are doing to help promote the procedure at the expense of local taxpayers. The National Review saw it in exactly that same way. "While it is certainly true that many women experience negative physical and mental consequences following an abortion procedure, this policy is discordant coming from those who support abortion. If we are to acknowledge that a mother and father are bereaved after an abortion, presumably something — indeed, someone — has been lost," the magazine's Alexandra DeSanctis wrote. "And if we acknowledge that in every abortion someone is lost — intentionally done away with — then it makes little sense to “destigmatize” the procedure and extend bereavement leave to those who have intentionally chosen to do away with their child," she added. She's exactly right; we can't destigmatize the purposeful taking of a human life, regardless of what stage of development it is in. In Portland, meanwhile, the left-wing lunatics who run that Antifa den are taking a different approach: They are justifying the paying out of taxpayer funds for abortion as "bereavement leave," a policy that began in October. The policy allows the employee to three days of paid leave for 'pregnancy loss' including abortion "irrespective of whether [the procedure was] deemed medically necessary." This comes as the culture war over abortion is heating up again, ahead of the Supreme Court's decision. For instance, in September Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) got into a shouting match with Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) and other Democrats on the steps of the U.S. Capitol for holding a "Build Back Better for Women" event even as the party backed a new abortion measure. “The Democrats had also just passed a symbolic pro-choice bill that would sweep away state restrictions on abortion, in reaction to a wave of pro-life measures in Texas and other red states making their way to the Supreme Court. The Senate though is not expected to take up the measure to pass the bill into law,” the Washington Times reported. “You should all be ashamed,” Greene shouted at the Democrats. Sources include: