Owen Shroyer and Dan Lyman discuss USA Today's normalization of pedophilia
By ramontomeydw // 2022-01-17
InfoWars host Owen Shroyer touched on a tweet by a mainstream publication that promoted pedophilia with Dan Lyman of InfoWars Europe. According to a report by the Daily Mail, mainstream media outlet USA Today Life was forced to delete several tweets that purportedly normalized pedophilia. The tweets were in relation to an article written by staff writer Alia Dastagir claiming that the disorder as the "most misunderstood." Dastagir wroter in her article: "When most of the public thinks of pedophilia, they assume it's synonymous with child sexual abuse, a pervasive social problem that has exploded to crisis levels online. Researchers who study pedophilia say the term describes an attraction, not an action, and using it interchangeably with 'abuse' fuels misperceptions." The USA Today Life article alleged that based on scientific research, pedophilia is "determined in the womb." It continued that "environmental factors" may affect a pedophile's urge to act on their attractions. "Scientists have – in recent decades – improved their understanding of pedophilia's causes, prenatal and early childhood risk factors as well as pedophiles can better control impulses." The article quoted Royal Ottawa Health Care Group forensic research director Michael Seto, whose specialty revolves around sexual offenses. He said of pedophilia: "We've accepted the idea that this is not something that people choose." According to Seto, male pedophiles have a much higher incidence of head injuries sustained in early childhood. He also mentioned a study on diagnosed pedophiles, which said they are more likely to report their mothers receiving psychiatric treatment. Seto adds that this study suggests possible genetic factors influencing pedophilia. Seto furthermore said that based on evidence, men are more likely to have pedophilic tendencies and commit criminal acts than women. This aligned with research that showed men being more likely to engage in other sexual deviancies such as exhibitionism, sadism and voyeurism. (Related: TED talks promote pedophilia, but ban any discussion critical of GMOs.)

USA Today Life faced backlash for its tweets

Shroyer read part of a tweet from the series of posts made by USA Today Life, before asking Lyman about his comments on the matter. "A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to children. But not all pedophiles abuse kids, and some people who sexually abused kids are not pedophiles." Lyman said: "If this is an indicator as to how far society has fallen, then I don't know what is. One of the most respected publications in mainstream media, [which] has been around [for] a long time, [is] now spouting the same talking point that pedophilia is not so bad as long as you don't act on it." "These people belong in Arctic labor camps for putting out this propaganda, and I mean it," the InfoWars Europe reporter added. Shroyer agreed, saying: "It's just unbelievable, [and] it should make people wonder. Why would you even think something like that, let alone publish something like that? And here they are, doing it publicly." (Related: Mainstream media: Pedophilia isn't a crime, but being unvaccinated is.) The two InfoWars journalists were not the only ones who publicly denounced the pro-pedophilia USA Today Life piece. Other personalities in the conservative sphere took to social media to express their disdain. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted: "To me, and probably anyone who has been watching, this is nothing more than the first step of trying to normalize this kind of behavior." He also called out the outlet for trying to revise the article's original title of "What the public keeps getting wrong about pedophilia," saying that "the internet is forever." NewsBusters Managing Editor Curtis Houck slammed USA Today Life in a series of tweets for trying to "normalize pedophilia." Quoting the tweet Shroyer read, Houck said that the mainstream media outlet was arguing that "pedophilia shouldn't be seen as something that's a scarlet letter, especially if you're attracted to little kids but you haven't acted on your impulses." Jeremiah Poff of the Washington Examiner also put in his two cents, focusing on a tweet by USA Today Life about pedophilia being determined in the womb. He said the outlet is "hardly the first to attempt to normalize pedophilia and won't be the last." Watch the video below of the conversation between Shroyer and Lyman. This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com. Journalism.news has more about mainstream media outlets promoting the normalization of pedophilia. Sources include: Brighteon.com DailyMail.co.uk USAToday.com Twitter.com 1 Twitter.com 2 Twitter.com 3