Virginia's new AG fires dozens of left-wing "civil rights division" staffers
By jdheyes // 2022-01-17
For most of the past decade, the state of Virginia, which produced so many of our country's earlier leaders including George Washington and James Madison, took an increasingly left-wing turn, going from red, to purple, to blue. After 2017, the transformation was complete: Democrats who hate our republic as founded had completed a sweep of government throughout the state, taking over the governor's mansion, the state assembly and other elected offices. And as Democrats do, they immediately began implementing one left-wing, Marxist, woke policy after another, until 2021, when Virginians had had enough: Following last fall's election, voters swept Republicans back into power to fix the social and cultural damage Democrats had done to the Old Dominion State, and as requested by voters, newly inaugurated Republicans are wasting little time reimposing sane policies while cutting the lunatics loose. Case in point: Virginia’s new GOP attorney general, Jason Miyares, has fired some 30 staff members, including 17 attorneys, as he points the office back in the direction of actually enforcing state laws. "On his first day, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares has eliminated the Office of Civil Rights. Miyares also announced he will prosecute criminal cases in jurisdictions where Soros DAs decline to prosecute, and he has already opened investigations into Loudon County Public Schools," Citizen Free Press reported. “During the campaign, it was made clear that now-Attorney General-elect Miyares and Attorney General Herring have very different visions for the office. We are restructuring the office, as every incoming AG has done in the past,” his spokesperson, Victoria LaCivita, noted in an email, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “Just because personnel changes have been made does not mean their work will not be picked up. As the Attorney General-elect has said, when he gets into his office, he and his team will look at every lawsuit, investigation and opinion with a fresh perspective," she added. Miyares previously announced plans to seek legislative approval from the state AG's office to intervene in cases where local leftists 'soft on crime' refuse to pursue. “I’m thinking specifically of some of the so-called social justice commonwealth’s attorneys that have been elected particularly in Northern Virginia,” he said shortly after the November election. “We are obviously aware of some pretty horrific cases where they failed to do their job.” “One of the reasons Virginians get so fed up with government is the lack of transparency – and that’s a big issue here. The Virginia Parole Board broke the law when they let out murders, rapists, and cop killers early on their sentences without notifying the victims. Loudoun Country Public Schools covered up a sexual assault on school grounds for political gain, leading to an additional assault of a young girl,” Miyares asserted in a statement. In addition, newly-inaugurated GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin also hit the ground running, signing more than a dozen executive orders aimed at keeping campaign promises to push back on highly divisive critical race theory and to hold officials with the Loudoun County Public School District accountable for a criminal act they attempted to cover up because the offender was a 'transgender' student. Miyares addressed the school crime, as well as other issues that present legal challenges for his office, thanks to his Democratic predecessors. According to Fox News, Youngkin’s executive actions include these issues:
  • To restore excellence in education by ending the use of divisive concepts, including Critical Race Theory, in public education.
  • To empower Virginia parents in their children’s education and upbringing by allowing parents to make decisions on whether their child wears a mask in school.
  • To restore integrity and confidence in the Parole Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • To investigate wrongdoing in Loudoun County.
  • To make government work for Virginians by creating the Commonwealth Chief Transformation Officer.
  • To declare Virginia open for business.
  • To combat and prevent human trafficking and provide support to survivors.
  • To establish a commission to combat antisemitism.
  • To withdraw from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
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