Mesa County clerk says 29,000 key election records deleted from voting systems
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-18
Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters told Alex Newman during a recent episode of "Conversations That Matter" that 29,000 election records were deleted from the voting systems used in Mesa County during the 2020 election when a "computer systems upgrade" was done. "I started looking into things when Jena Griswold, the Democrat operative, George Soros operative, came into my town with Dominion IT employees to do what they call a trusted upgrade. I asked if I could have media, if I could have people in to observe this. And I was told absolutely not," said Peters as she recounted what Colorado Secretary of State Griswold and the Dominion Voting Systems staff did when they came to her office. "I wanted to have our IT department to oversee this computer upgrade is how they put it and no one in my county’s IT would even touch coming in and observing the election equipment. So I arranged to have a before image done of the system software for Dominion which is completely legal. "There was no personal identifying information. It's just the fingerprints, basically, of how they get to the election results. And then after they left, I did another forensic image. And what has been discovered is it's just incredible and this has been going on all over the state and all over the country." (Related: Mounds of evidence suggest widespread election fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania)

Proof that election results were correct and legitimate all deleted

Peters said those election records are "log files, the DNA, the fingerprint and proof that the election results were correct and legitimate" and they were all deleted. Newman, senior editor at the New American, commented that it was like burning the ballot box with the ballots inside or the equivalent of going into the evidence room and burning up the evidence of a crime. The decision of Peters to expose the serious election irregularities made her a target of Democrat operatives from Washington to Denver. She shared how the operatives of the secretary of state in Colorado raided her elections department offices for two hours and would not let her chief deputy in. Peters also lamented that her election manager, Sandra Brown, was unlawfully fired from her job and charged with a class four felony and burglary for showing up to work. "So you can see that I'm locked out of my elections office and they still have not. People elected me and they have still not let me back into my elections office," explained Peters. Newman asked Peters what was going on with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice in Mesa County and whether there were any charges filed against her. "There are no charges filed. They are basically trying to dig up something to justify their treatment of me and other citizens. So when they raided my home, November 16, they rifled through my things looking for any kind of wire fraud or you know I'm not sure exactly what they were looking for," said Peters who called the raid at her home a fishing expedition. She added that "doing an image of before and after image of the election server is not illegal" but they are now trying to pick up something to press charges against her.

Stumbled into something significant

Peters believes they may have stumbled into something significant as they caught the attention of Joe Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland. "I think we've hit a nerve. And they are trying to crucify me in the mainstream media to cast me as some sort of conspiracy nut. But the 80-plus page forensic report, it's done by a team of top cybersecurity experts. And the reports that are soon to come out will have major implications for electronic voting in the rest of the country," Peters pointed out. "I'm not an expert on whether the election was stolen or not, but I will tell you that what they're doing to me and my staff, it's unwarranted. And I just asked, What do they have to hide? And I believe that people go and look at the report and see what they deleted and what that means," Peters emphasized. "And they have been told or they're telling the media that those are not essential election records. They are essential election records, every record, if there is a piece of paper on a Voter Service Polling Center floor, we have to pick it up and put it in a box marked trash and save it for 25 months in Colorado and 22 months federally." Meanwhile, Peters is facing investigations for her actions as clerk and recorder that allowed sensitive passwords to get posted online during a voting system software update aside from lawsuits over alleged campaign finance violations. While she was dismissed as the county's designated election official for the November 2021 election, the Secretary of State's Office has not prevented her from overseeing the 2022 primary and general elections. Watch the video below to know more about election irregularities happening in America. This video is from The New American channel on Follow to read more articles related to election frauds. Sources include: