Truth will set you free: Danish newspaper apologizes for failing to report the truth about COVID pandemic
By matthewdavisdw // 2022-01-18
Leading Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet recently apologized for failing to report the truth about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The tabloid admitted that it "hypnotically" followed government narratives on the pandemic. "For almost two years, we – the press and the population – have been almost hypnotically preoccupied with the authorities’ daily coronavirus figures," it said in its banner piece titled "We Failed." According to the tabloid, it fed the population with daily coronavirus narratives released by Danish authorities. The newspaper said that it had been found wanting on the important issue of parsing numbers of people who died with, but not from, COVID-19. "We have not been vigilant enough at the garden gate when the authorities were required to answer what it actually meant that people are hospitalized with corona and not because of corona. Because it makes a difference. A big difference," stated the piece. While apologizing for its mistakes, the article also hit "lying" politicians, who twisted facts about the other aspects of the pandemic. "Because of their lies, the population lose trust in their leaders," it said. The efficacy of the vaccines to halt the epidemic didn't escape the scrutiny of the newspaper. It accused the authorities of vastly overexaggerating the effectiveness of the vaccines, which are being referred to by authorities as superweapons being used in superhospitals. These superhospitals, the newspaper noted, are apparently maximally pressured even though almost the entire population is armed with a superweapon. "Even children have been vaccinated on a huge scale, which has not been done in our neighboring countries," it said.

Germany's top newspaper guilty of fearmongering

In August last year, Germany's top newspaper Bild also apologized to the nation. In a speech, Bild Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt described the paper's coverage of the pandemic as "poison." Reichelt said that the newspaper made children feel they are a mortal danger to society. He added that Bild was guilty of fearmongering, which led to child depression and suicide. "To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us," he said. "Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation and loneliness. We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are – children." Bild has a daily circulation of 1.24 million copies and the best-selling newspaper in Europe. While calling for the opening of schools and sports halls, Reichelt warned of the consequences to those imposing brutal lockdown measures. He also said that moderate voices who attempted to offer calmer perspectives on the pandemic "were never invited to the expert table." Meanwhile, an extremely detailed daily data has been published by Danish authorities showing that omicron has been used as cover for the vaccine failure. Most new COVID-19 cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted. Vaccinated people comprise more than 76 percent of non-omicron cases and 90 percent of omicron infections. The data also showed that omicron is less deadly than the other variants as only 25 of 561 patients currently in hospital have omicron. About the only reason for concern in any of the Danish data is that omicron still appears to be preferentially infecting younger people – though not people under 15, who are more likely to be unvaccinated. Overall, though, the figures out of Denmark largely back those from South Africa and make clear that the reason Europe has seen a massive rise in cases and hospitalizations this fall has nothing to do with omicron and everything to do with vaccine failure. But despite the evidence suggesting the failure of the vaccine, authorities are still offering a fourth shot to their most vulnerable citizens. Denmark will follow fellow European Union (EU) member Hungary, which is also deploying a fourth shot. In other parts of the world, Chile and Israel are also offering fourth shots to their citizens. The move came after lawmakers agreed to ease restrictions at the end of the week, claiming that hospitalization and deaths have improved despite the surge. Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said: "The more widespread the infection is in society, the greater the risk that the infection will reach our most vulnerable. We are now embarking on a new chapter, namely a decision to offer the fourth jab to the most vulnerable citizens." Denmark's decision came at a time when the EU's drug regulator expressed doubts about the need for a fourth dose due to lack of data. Daily infections in Denmark surged in mid-December, reaching 20,000 cases. Watch the video below about the COVID-19 protests in Denmark and Germany. This video is from alltheworldastage channel on Follow for more news and information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sources include: