New bill in Illinois threatens to involuntarily register all residents' vaccination data with the government, creating a list of the unvaccinated
By ethanh // 2022-01-20
A new bill being proposed in Illinois would give the state's Department of Health full control over the "Immunization Data Registry," which contains all of the injection records of the state's residents. On January 19, the proposed legislation was brought up in a committee for a hearing, though most Illinoisans have no idea it even exists, let alone what it entails. The advocacy group Awake Illinois has issued an Action Alert calling on members of the public to fill out a witness slip as an opponent to the legislation. Awake Illinois is also asking people to pick at least three representatives on the Human Service Committee to call and request that they vote no on HB4244, as it is called. A list of the committee members and their contact numbers is available at this link. Witness slips are available here, and all they require is a few simple inputs and a checkmark in the "Opponent" box. "In 2021, we encountered unprecedented censorship, more lockdowns, gaslighting and lies from the media, rampant corruption, and the illogical sacrifice of our children to feed the façade of the 'greater good,'" Awake Illinois says. "The silver lining to all of this is that many of us have AWAKENED to the problem." "2022 has rolled in with new challenges: the overt discrimination and segregation of society, based on immoral and fundamentally illegal proof of vaccination mandates. Our awareness needs to translate into ACTION. Illinoisans are ready to RISE UP, STAND UP and SHOW UP to end these tyrannical public health orders! Attend a rally, respond to calls to action, sign up to volunteer, donate to support our organization. We need YOU!

If you don't make your voice heard, don't complain when tyranny rules

Awake Illinois is a strong proponent of public rallies that involve physical activism. Families, including children, show up in large numbers to hold up signs and have conversations with passersby about this and other important issues. The same day as the committee hearing on HB4244, there was a rally in Des Plaines (a suburb of Chicago) to protest Cook County's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandates. On Saturday, January 22, another protest is scheduled at the DuPage Children's Museum to "Take A Stand Against Child Discrimination." Awake Illinois hopes that many people will show up in person to protest similar jab mandates in DuPage County that force children to show their papers in order to enter buildings. "What is allowed in Naperville will spread through all of DuPage County, so this is our chance to say NO more. This stops here!!" If such tyranny is allowed to advance uncontested, eventually we will start seeing things like communist China's "Vaccine Credential Initiative" taking hold right here in the "land of the free." On Sunday, January 23, Awake Illinois will be joining other advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., to "Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming." You can learn more about this event at A big part of this rally aims to empower parents and their children to take a stand for their rights. Children ages 8-18 will be guided by instructors to embody leadership initiatives "taught in the language of dance, movement, mindfulness practices and breath work." Three specific aims within this are to teach people how to become more comfortable with being uncomfortable; how to stand in their "authentic power with integrity;" and how listening to others can greatly impact good leadership. You can learn more about these and other initiatives by visiting the Awake Illinois website, which is loaded with helpful information and practical calls to activism. More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: