Fauci claims fourth COVID dose is "entirely conceivable"
By ramontomeydw // 2022-01-26
Top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has claimed that a fourth dose of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is "entirely conceivable." His assertion of a fourth vaccine shot comes amid the spread of the more infectious B11529 omicron variant. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) made this claim during the Jan. 23 episode of "This Week" on ABC. "We may need to boost again; that's entirely conceivable. But before we make that decision about yet again another boost, we want to determine clearly what the durability of protection is of that regular boost, that third shot," he said. Fauci pointed out that health officials "don't know the durability of protection" imbued by a third dose of the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, and a second dose of Johnson & Johnson's adenoviral vector vaccine. "Certainly, you're going to see the antibody levels go down. That's natural." The top medical adviser for the Biden administration clarified his use of the term protection. "When I say protection, I mean protection against severe disease. You are going to see breakthrough infection as we've seen now – even in boosted people," Fauci said. Back in December 2021, Fauci warned that the omicron strain has been better at evading vaccine-induced immunity. He defended the importance of boosters during a White House press briefing at the time, saying that they "bring back up that degree of protection to a level that is approximately what it was before." The NIAID director continued: "So boosters are critical in getting our approach to omicron to be optimal." Fauci's comments during the Jan. 23 edition of "This Week" followed his earlier appearance on the program, where he called for booster shots every six months. "We would hope … that the third shot with the mRNA [vaccine] not only will boost you way up, but increases the durability so that you will not necessarily need it every six months or a year," he said at the time. "We're hoping it pushes out more. If it doesn't and the data show we do need it more often, then we'll do it." (Related: Fauci floats the idea of injecting eligible Americans with COVID booster shots every six months.)

Fauci parroting Big Pharma bosses

Based on his statements, it appears that the NIAID director is echoing the sentiments of pharmaceutical bigwigs. The CEOs of vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer earlier predicted that a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose may be needed against the omicron strain – which Fauci now advocates. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla remarked in December 2021 that a fourth dose may be needed in the face of omicron's spread. He put forward two points during his Dec. 8 appearance on the CNBC show "Squawk Box." "[The first point is] when we see real-world data, [it] will determine if the omicron [variant] is well-covered by the third dose and for how long. [The] second point [is] I think we will need a fourth dose," Bourla said at the time. He earlier predicted the need for a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose 12 months after the third shot. Bourla however changed course, saying: "With omicron, we need to wait and see because we have very little information; we may need it faster." Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel also predicted the need for a fourth vaccine dose in early January 2022. He said during a Jan. 6 health conference: "I still believe we're going to need boosters in the fall of [2022] and forward. The Moderna executive defended his claim by mentioning the likely decline of the immunity induced by the third COVID-19 shots. Bancel added that older people and those with underlying health conditions might need booster doses on a yearly basis. More related stories: Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s "likely, inevitable" they’re never going to end. Moderna CEO claims FOURTH dose needed by Fall, 2022… where does it end? Fauci: Three shots will be the new standard for a full coronavirus vaccination. Pfizer CEO says fourth vaccine dose might be needed sooner than expected. Watch the video below of Fauci talking about the possibility of a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose. This video is from The Prisoner channel on Brighteon.com. VaccineWars.com has more about the push for frequent COVID-19 boosters. Sources include: NewsPunch.com NYPost.com TheNewAmerican.com CNBC.com TheEpochTimes.com Brighteon.com