Saskatchewan premier says ENOUGH of harmful Covid restrictions
By ramontomeydw // 2022-01-27
The leader of Canada's Saskatchewan Province claimed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns cause "psychological" and economic damage. He cited these negative repercussions as the reasons for his refusal to impose new restrictions amid the B11529 omicron variant's spread. During a Jan. 23, 2022 press briefing, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe pointed to the growing body of evidence showing how lockdowns are detrimental and ineffective at stopping transmission. The Jan. 23 press conference was the second instance where he denounced the measure. Moe once imposed lockdowns on the Saskatchewanian population but, seeing the error of his ways, assured citizens that no more new restrictions would be imposed. "We're avoiding the economic and psychological harm and the infringement on personal freedoms that are often caused by lockdowns," Moe said. The premier added that while COVID-19 is not going away, many other diseases exist – but they are dealt with without "locking down, taking away people's freedoms and disrupting everyone's life." To hammer his point further, Moe mentioned the province as a good example of how not imposing lockdowns actually led to a better outcome. Saskatchewan has the least restrictive measures among Canada's provinces and territories. Despite this – its hospitalizations, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and COVID-19 death rates are among the lowest in the entire country. "Saskatchewan's current rate of hospitalizations and ICU admission is below the national rate, and is well below a number of provinces that have imposed much more stringent public health measures, and much more stringent lockdowns than we have here," the premier said. Moe compared Saskatchewan to the eastern province of Quebec, which he described as having "likely the largest or most extreme lockdown policies in Canada." He said the French-speaking province has just under 40 hospitalizations per 100,000 people – nearly double than that of Saskatchewan. The landlocked Saskatchewan also has a COVID-19 fatality rate almost seven times lower than that of Quebec, the premier added. Because of these numbers, Moe said Saskatchewan would not "impose significant restrictions that cause significant harm, for no significant benefit." The only action the province took was an extension of its mask mandate – set to end on Jan. 31, 2022 – to Feb. 28. (Related: Canada's COVID-19 lockdowns have not provided any benefits to Canadians.)

Saskatchewan's response mirrors that of Florida

Interestingly, Saskatchewan's no-lockdown response to COVID-19 mirrored that of the state of Florida. Even the American state's leader, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, has repeatedly denounced lockdowns and other restrictive measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. Back in March 2021, DeSantis said in a press conference that his decision to eschew lockdowns worked in Florida's favor. "It's clear: Florida got it right. These lockdowns have not worked. They've done great damage to our country," he explained. "Florida took a different path. We've had more success as a result. Everyone told me I was wrong: I faced continued pressure from radical Democrats and the liberal media, but I refused to back down." The GOP governor doubled down on his no-lockdown approach as the omicron variant hit the United States. He later vowed in December 2021 that Floridians will expect no mandates or restrictions. "In Florida, we won't let them lock [you] down, we won't let them restrict you, we're not [going to] let them impose mandates, we're not [going to] let them close the schools. We are [going to] protect your freedom to make your decisions," said DeSantis. He noted that anybody who wishes to lockdown can do so as "that is absolutely their decision in a free society." DeSantis also took aim at governors and other health authorities in certain states imposing COVID-19 restrictions on their residents. He also denounced what he calls "Fauci-ism" or medical martial law. "It's a free country, so when people are in bad environments – when you have states that don't know how to fight crime, that are locking people down, mandating them [and] doing a lot of stupid things – people look for greener pastures." The Florida governor added: "You don't impose Fauci-ism on the whole country or on a whole state. It's wrong." More related stories: DeSantis urges America to reject "Faucism," return to old normal. DeSantis terminates all local Covid-19 restrictions, including mask mandates, in Florida. DeSantis pardons all Floridians convicted of violating social distancing rules, mask mandates. Watch the video below of Tucker Carlson comparing U.S. states with lockdowns and those without. This video is from the WONG channel on has more about leaders such as Moe and DeSantis eschewing COVID-19 lockdowns. Sources include: