Journalist and former NYT staffer UNDER FIRE for demanding that "dangerous and ineffective" mRNA vaccines be withdrawn
By arseniotoledo // 2022-01-28
Author and former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson is under fire after demanding that the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines be withdrawn for being "dangerous and ineffective" during his appearance on the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" show on Tuesday, Jan. 25. "We're at a very dangerous moment, and I'm not exaggerating," said Berenson. "It is completely clear now that the vaccines don't really work at all against omicron. In these highly vaccinated and highly boosted countries, rates of infection are incredibly high and rates of serious disease and death are also rising." Berenson pointed out how public health officials in Israel, one of the most highly vaccinated and boosted countries in the world, are predicting they are going to have more severe COVID-19 cases this year than they ever had at their peak last year. "The idea that we would solve this with another booster is just off the charts insane. I have not said this to you before because I'm pretty careful, and I'm pretty careful with the data, but these vaccines, these mRNA vaccines, mRNA COVID vaccines, need to be withdrawn from the market," he said. "No one should get them. No one should get boosted. No one should get double boosted. They are a dangerous and ineffective product at this point against omicron." (Related: Dr. Michael Palmer: mRNA vaccines cause "radiation-like toxicity" and are designed to POISON people.) Berenson's conversation with Carlson set off a firestorm, with people – notably other journalists – claiming that his call to end vaccinations will harm people. "These lies put my family member in the hospital. They left him, either temporarily or permanently, extremely weakened," claimed television journalist Naomi Kowles of WISC-TV in Madison, Wisconsin. "I support anyone's First Amendment right to say whatever they want, but there has got to be a way to stop killing people with free speech." "I wish some of the folks who are beyond livid about kids wearing masks in schools would spare just a tenth of their outrage for this deadly nonsense," claimed David French, senior writer for The Dispatch and former journalist for the National Review. "Tens of thousands are dying because of vaccine refusal. These deaths are horrific, tragic and so very avoidable." "How many Americans have died of COVID because they believed lies peddled on Tucker Carlson's show?" wrote National Review writer John McCormack. "The number is greater than zero."

Evidence proves Berenson is correct about mRNA vaccines

All of Berenson's detractors are accusing him of spreading falsehoods, but his claims are supported by scientific data. The Scottish government, for example, recently released data showing that people who have been vaccinated with two or three doses of the mRNA vaccines are more likely to contract COVID-19, be hospitalized or even die from the virus, than the unvaccinated. In Germany, a government report found that more than 95 percent of new cases of the omicron variant were coming from fully vaccinated individuals. As Berenson himself cited, preliminary data from a study in Israel found that getting four doses of the Pfizer vaccine is not effective in protecting people against the omicron variant. Last year, Berenson was banned from Twitter for supposedly spreading misinformation regarding COVID-19. "It doesn't stop infection. Or transmission. Don't think of it as a vaccine," wrote Berenson in the tweet that finally got him banned from the platform. "Think of it – at best – as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed in advance of illness."

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