Pastor Todd Coconato tells Doug Billings: The Great Awakening is happening RIGHT NOW in America – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-28
Pastor Todd Coconato told host Doug Billings during the January 25 episode of the "The Right Side" on Brighteon.TV  that the Great Awakening is happening in America. "The truth is there's a massive amount of people that have awakened during this time period. And it's unlike anything I've ever seen in 22 years of ministry, where the harvest is extremely ripe. People are seeking, they are searching, and the Bible says, 'seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened,'" Coconato said. "So as you seek, I believe the Lord guides us and reveals things to us. And that's what He's done with me in this journey for, you know, 20 plus years. And I believe He's doing it to a lot of other people, a lot of your listeners' lives and people all over the world." Billings agreed. "We are in the middle of the Great Awakening back into the divine providence of God Himself," Billings said. "We are part of the Great Awakening remnant that are rising to the top and have every reason to be hopeful in 2022." (Related: Leading virologist and mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone predicts Great Awakening in response to Great Reset.)

Remnants are rising up against tyranny

Coconato took note of the word "remnant" and said that it refers to "people that are truly hungering and thirsting for righteousness, those who are really seeking the truth and the answers." "It's high time, we have to stand up, we have to push back, we have to say no to tyranny. And we have to answer the call because it just so happens that the Lord knew we were going to be alive in this time period. It's not a mistake. And if we're alive in this time period, I believe He's equipped us and prepared us to do the work of the Kingdom in this hour," the licensed and ordained minister added. The "Todd Coconato Show" host also mentioned that our society, the whole government and everything that we now have in the American republic was basically patterned after ancient Israel. "Ancient Israel was very successful in the way it was run. So you know, Israel was chosen by God, but America chose God. We made a covenant with God. We believe that our rights are given to us by God, not by government," Coconato said. The Religious Liberty Coalition president also pointed out that people have to stand with one another and fight for the future of their children, the next generation, and for their freedoms.
"Once we lose our freedoms, we don't just get them back. There's usually a war that has to be fought. So we've got to understand that we shouldn't be like slinging arrows at each other. Right now, what we need to do is understand we're under attack. There is an insurgency, and there's a group of people that wants to take away our freedoms and rights forever," Coconato stressed. "So I would just encourage people to keep your eye on the situation at hand. We are at war, and I believe we can win this, but we have to stand together and stand for righteousness." Coconato also mentioned that there are already people showing up, getting involved and bringing important things to the attention of government leaders. "We got to get active and involved. We can't just sit on the couch and expect somebody else to fight our battle. For us, the key is that we have to get in the game. We have to get out there and do everything that we can," Coconato said. "The Church is meant to be the head and not the tail. We've got to be out there and speak the truth because it's the truth that sets the captive free." The pastor added that people are looking for leadership and real people who are willing to stand up for righteousness and the Word of God. He also said that the Church should be the leader in being open, praying, interceding and calling upon the name of the Lord.