Tom Renz reveals the names of vaccine damage Pentagon whistleblowers during Johnson roundtable
By ramontomeydw // 2022-01-28
Attorney and Brighteon.TV host Tom Renz revealed the names of three whistleblowers from the Department of Defense (DoD) who attested to the damage caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. He publicized their names during a COVID-19 roundtable organized by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson. The five-hour roundtable was held last Jan. 25, 2022, with several experts in attendance. Among those present were cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and mRNA vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone. Renz stepped forward with the names of the three whistleblowers in response to a challenge by Johnson. The attorney also presented accompanying data that showed a massive increase in serious side effects caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. "We've got three whistleblowers who have given me permission at this point to share their names. Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, DO, MPH; Dr. Samuel Sigoloff; and flight surgeon Lt. Col. Dr. Peter Chambers, DO. All three have given me this data; I have declarations from all three [that] this data is under penalty of perjury. We intend to submit this to the courts," Renz told the senator. Citing his data, Renz revealed that post-vaccination miscarriages and cancer cases increased by 300 percent – more than the five-year-average – in just a span of one year. Neurological issues also increased from 82,000 to 863,000 – which Johnson described as a ten-fold jump – in just a year's time. Renz pointed out that the neurological issues caused by the COVID-19 vaccine would affect pilots. Long, who was also present during the roundtable, told the Wisconsin senator that she had grounded pilots injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. She added that she monitored these grounded pilots for any symptoms of myocarditis or heart muscle inflammation, which include chronic fatigue, that could kill them while piloting aircraft. "I made numerous efforts to get senior medical leaders to, at the very least, inform soldiers of this risk. My concerns were ignored," Long revealed. (Related: Army surgeon warned that pilots could die in midair from COVID vaccine injuries… but was ignored.)

Renz: Corruption "at the highest level" needs investigation

Renz continued: "Our soldiers are being experimented on and injured and, sometimes, possibly killed." He turned to Kory, thanking him for pointing out the corruption that is underway. "When these doctors are attacked … they call me. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards [and] watching the witch hunts," the attorney said. Renz mentioned the DoD's Project Salus initiative, which involves an artificial intelligence developed by the Pentagon's Joint Artificial Intelligence Center. The Project Salus AI examined data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries 65 years old and up. Of this number, 2.7 million were vaccinated with the Pfizer shot, while 2.9 million got the Moderna vaccine. He pointed to the initiative's Sept. 28, 2021 report, which was made public a week later on Oct. 5, 2021. The report said 71 percent of new COVID-19 cases for that week and 60 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations were among fully vaccinated Americans. According to Renz, officials in the Biden administration were claiming a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," but the documents say otherwise. The host of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" concluded by calling for investigations on the "corruption at the highest level." He zeroed in on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Renz thanked the Wisconsin senator for "having the courage to stand against these special interests." A statement on Johnson's website said several U.S. agencies and companies were invited to the roundtable but refused to participate. These included CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, Food and Drug Administration Acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel. More related stories: Air Force rejects requests from soldiers seeking medical exemption from covid vaccine mandates (are they trying to kill off the military?) The Big Logic: Dr. Peter McCullough talks about how COVID-19 vaccines can cause organ failure – Former HHS advisor, virologist says that "fully vaccinated are a major source of covid virus transmission". Watch the video below of Tom Renz revealing the whistleblowers' names. This video is from the In Search of Truth channel on For more stories about corruption in the government, check out Sources include: