ALERT: 37,000 teachers use Left-wing 'News Literacy Project' to indoctrinate children
By newseditors // 2022-02-02
The News Literacy Program warns that “common misinformation themes” include phrases such as “[T]he media won’t report this” and “[D]o your own research”. (Article by Renee Nal republished from The News Literacy Project (NLP) is a propaganda outlet masquerading as “non-partisan.” The dangerous organization teaches school children how to be mindless leftist narrative consumers. Left-wing commentator and notorious fake news purveyor Brian Stelter of CNN’s deceptively named “Reliable Sources” was featured last week teaching young teens about “misinformation” in Queens, New York. During the segment, students are indoctrinated by the NLP’s Checkology e-learning platform. Stelter said that NLP founder Alan C. Miller “says that these lessons are now used by more than 37,000 educators.” The company behind NLP is E.W. Scripps. Checkology is funded by militant left groups with bland sounding names: Science Literacy Foundation, Argosy Foundation, Dow Jones Foundation, Grable Foundation. Also, see NewsGuard, another left-wing group focused on teaching children about “misinformation,” which has striking similarities to the News Literacy Project. Watch a promotional video for Checkology: The News Literacy Program warns that “common misinformation themes” include phrases such as “[T]he media won’t report this” and “[D]o your own research”. Ebonee Rice of the News Literacy Project was featured on a segment of the local news in Tucson, Arizona to discuss “misinformation,” including “red flag phrases”:

Wesley Lowery

“Top journalists and digital media experts anchor the platform’s interactive lessons,” according to the Checkology website, which features Wesley Lowery. Lowery is vastly known for his highly partisan coverage during the 2014 Ferguson riots, where he was arrested for “interfering with a police officer’s duties” as he “failed to comply with ‘repeated commands to immediately exit’ a McDonald’s”. Lowery wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in 2020 decrying “neutral objectivity” which is a tool of “whiteness”. Ironically, the company behind the News Literacy Project, the E.W. Scripps Company, brags on their website that they “are one of the nation’s largest local TV broadcasters, serving communities with quality, objective local journalism.” So which is it? Are they objective or not? Why feature Wesley Lowery if they strive for objective journalism? “Since American journalism’s pivot many decades ago from an openly partisan press to a model of professed objectivity,” Lowery argues in a 2020 New York Times OpEd, “the mainstream has allowed what it considers objective truth to be decided almost exclusively by white reporters and their mostly white bosses.” Instead, Lowery says one should use “moral clarity” in reporting. He gives an example:
Neutral objectivity trips over itself to find ways to avoid telling the truth. Neutral objectivity insists we use clunky euphemisms like ‘officer-involved shooting.’ Moral clarity, and a faithful adherence to grammar and syntax, would demand we use words that most precisely mean the thing we’re trying to communicate: ‘the police shot someone.’
Watch the CNN segment featuring Brian Stelter: Read more at: