Militarization of hospitals continues as Idaho governor dispatches Guard troops to fill in for staff shortages
By jdheyes // 2022-02-03
The Deep State is always working to subvert our democracy by constantly planning ahead, such as the complete militarization of our society. When the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began, we made heroes out of our frontline medical staff. Doctors, nurses, X-ray and other technicians, EMS personnel, firefighters, and so forth, anyone who responded to our healthcare needs were lionized (and rightfully so). They literally put their lives on the line for all of us because, at the time, there were no known treatments for the virus and Americans were dying left and right. But after we were "blessed" with worthless vaccines, suddenly those frontline medical workers and staff were demonized and fired if they refused to take a jab (after literally working without vaccines for a year). Hospitals and health care facilities around the country have been firing staff after they refused the jabs. Other healthcare workers and medical providers fed up with the tyranny and already overworked simply left the field altogether. The result: Major shortages of hospital and clinic staff that are now being filled, increasingly, with U.S. military personnel so that the powers that be can further militarize our society by getting us used to seeing troops in as many "common" roles as possible. The Epoch Times reported: "Idaho Gov. Brad Little on Monday, January 31, activated his state's National Guard due to staffing shortages at several state agencies. The 75 or so Guard members will be used to assist Primary Health and the Idaho Department of Correction, which are both experiencing staffing shortages due to COVID-19 absences, his office said in a statement. Little said he secured about 500 additional personnel to assist state hospitals dealing with COVID-19 cases." "The strain on health care, schools, business, and government from the spread of COVID-19 is a reminder that we are not out of the pandemic, and we need to be vigilant about keeping ourselves and our loved ones healthy," Little, a Republican, said in a statement. At present, Idaho does not have a vaccine mandate for any state agency and recently joined more than two dozen GOP states in a lawsuit against the Biden regime's COVID vaccine and testing requirement for businesses with 100 or more employees, which was disallowed by the U.S. Supreme Court. While that rule has been blocked, justices in a 5-4 decision left in place a federal mandate allowing the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to withhold taxpayer funds from healthcare facilities that don't require employees to be vaccinated. And unlike the OSHA rule that was overturned, staffers at healthcare facilities are not permitted to opt out of the vaccine by submitting to weekly testing. “I am proud of our men and women of the Idaho National Guard who have stepped up time and again to help our state and communities get through an unprecedented, challenging time," Little also said earlier. "The strain on healthcare, schools, business and government from the spread of COVID-19 is a reminder that we are not out of the pandemic, and we need to be vigilant about keeping ourselves and our loved ones healthy." But obviously, this self-imposed "crisis" is working to the benefit of the authoritarian Deep State, which is working to get the American people accustomed to seeing uniformed and, when possible, armed troops regularly deployed in American cities and communities. "At Primary Health Group, Idaho’s largest independent family medicine and urgent care provider, the National Guard staffers will help clinics provide COVID-19 tests to more patients," CEO Dr. David Peterman said in an interview. To demonstrate how pervasive this effort has become, the Epoch Times noted that 48 states and three U.S. territories have now deployed Guard troops to fill healthcare staffing vacancies, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an organization that is also working to normalize the militarization of society. "The troops have driven school buses, staffed hospital kitchens, helped to care for nursing home residents, triaged emergency room patients and held COVID-19 vaccine clinics," the news outlet added. Sources include: