Lawyer Thomas Renz accuses military of COVID cover-up, urges immediate investigation – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-03
Controversial attorney Thomas Renz accused the military of a huge coverup as he presented damning data showing huge spikes in illnesses within a year of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine rollout. Renz told host Pastor David Scarlett during the January 28 edition of "His Glory" on Brighteon.TV that he got the data from the Department of Defense, which shows the incidence of cancer went up 300 percent last year compared to 2020. (Related: Miscarriages and cancer up 300%, neurological problems up 1,000% due to covid "vaccines.") "When I tell you that the incidence of cancer went up 300 percent in one year you don't have to be a genius to understand that there's something wrong there. I don't need to have a Ph.D. to know that there has to be a correlation with the vaccines because nothing else has changed. You don't need scientific analysis to say, 'Hey, there's something wrong.' This is stuff that any layman on the planet can see," Renz said. "The data is straight from the defense, military, medical servers. They have medical records in the Defense Department and they're widely acknowledged to be the most comprehensive and complete medical records out there. They're very good for analysis. So these are good records and we've got a whole bunch of stuff now that is really important." The lawyer from Ohio said that this is only the tip of the iceberg and he has a lot of important data from respected people in the public health and medical sector, as well as credentialed military personnel who are now COVID-19 whistleblowers. He also noted that some of the stuff they have downloaded were deleted, but they were lucky to download an immense number of records that they have shared with a lot of people around the country. Renz also said that he and a few other lawyers who are involved in the case are now taking every precaution because they are facing serious bad guys.

Immediate investigations, immediate halt to COVID jabs

Renz called on elected officials to conduct investigations immediately and urged them not to ignore or sweep the issue under the rug. "They need to put an immediate halt to these jabs, especially in the military. But in terms of mandatory jabs, they need to put a halt to that everywhere immediately. There needs to be a number of warnings that need to go out immediately," Renz stressed. "They knew this for a long time. This is corruption at the highest level. This is absolutely corruption."
Renz also brought up a five-year average (2016 to 2020) data about female infertility and cancer cases, which he compared with the 2021 data. He indicated that female infertility jumped 471 percent after COVID vaccination. He also pointed out that cancers in the military from 2016 to 2020 were running at an average of 38,678.2 cases per year, but in 2021 with only one year of vaccination, the average went to over 114,000, which is just under 300 percent increase in one year. Renz also mentioned that neurological diseases that average 82,322.6 over five years turned into 863,000 neurological issues in one year.

New cases of COVID-19 on fully vaccinated

During his appearance in a recent Senate panel called by Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Renz shared that on September 28, 2021, Project Salus found that 71 percent of new cases of COVID-19 occurred in those who were "fully vaccinated" and that 60 percent of hospitalizations from COVID-19 happened to those who got the vaccine. Renz also asserted that the COVID-19 vaccination must stop and the American people must demand an investigation immediately. He also called for the bureaucrats that have lied to the military and the people to be held accountable along with their civilian partners. Renz added that he is looking forward to seeing justice done. The lawyer also lamented that the preservation of life is no longer important in America, citing the number of deaths in nursing homes, particularly after booster shots were given. Renz said the massive die-off in the nursing homes is also one of the biggest coverups in the country right now, just like in the military.

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