German school teaching children without mask requirement raided by heavily armed police
By jdheyes // 2022-02-04
As much as Germany has tried to move on from Adolph Hitler and his Nazi regime, the country still has moments when it mimics that same kind of authoritarianism. According to LifeSite News, a German school that dared to teach students without requiring them to wear a worthless mask was raided by heavily armed German police and closed down on Jan. 20. The school was established by parents who expressed a desire -- God forbid -- to protect their kids from some of the more traumatic, long-term damage caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and lockdowns as well as "virtual" learning that has been a disaster throughout Western countries that relied on it during the pandemic. German kids are still being required to wear masks, though the science has shown -- going on two years now -- that children are barely affected by any strain of COVID. And at the same time, research has similarly shown how mentally and behaviorally damaging masking and remote learning have been on children. But none of that matters to authoritarians and tyrannical leaders who require complete compliance with their pandemic mandates, no matter how ridiculous or pointless they are. Lifesite News added: "According to local reports, the raid took place after the police [were] tipped that school-aged children were being taught at a private property in a small town near Erlangen in Bavaria during school hours. Following the raid, the city of Erlangen stated that the school, which was 'operating without a permit,' had been closed. According to German online website, there had been previous unsuccessful searches at the school, including an attempt by police to gain access to the building without a warrant." One mother told that 30-35 police officers showed up on Jan. 20 and stormed the property in full SWAT gear -- automatic weapons, batons, and body armor. She said the officers used a battering ram to break open the front door of the makeshift school, which reports said was located in the city of Erlangen. Disgustingly, though nearly three dozen heavily armed police were involved, the school only had 15 students, aged 4 to 14, on the day of the raid. They attempted to flee the officers by running upstairs but were stopped and then separated from their parents and forced to gather on the second floor before they were then subjected to Gestapo-like questioning for as much as four hours. The local report stated that police also employed intimidation tactics in order to get information from the kids that included threatening them with juvenile detention if they did not tell officers what they wanted to know. In addition, the SWAT cops told parents they would actually have to file a missing person's report in order to get their children returned to them, as incredible as that sounds. "Money and school equipment were also confiscated by the police. The city of Erlangen stated that any confiscated property would be returned following an investigation," LifeSite News reported, citing When they were still attending other schools, the children were forced to wear masks for hours -- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., including while going to the restroom (by themselves, of course). They were only "permitted" to lift masks while they were eating but were not allowed to remove them entirely, which is insane. Noting that, one mother described the mask mandate as a "torture method" and said that some kids even fainted after having been forced to wear masks nearly all day. Families that took part in the mask-free school went on to express little confidence they will find relief in German courts because mask mandates have been upheld in the past. It's not that Western "democratic" leaders have lost their minds over COVID, it's that the pandemic is being used to cull populations and to impose iron-fisted control over as many people as possible -- meaning, human nature has not really changed much over the past millennium. Sources include: