Freedom Convoy blocks busiest US-Canada border crossing; businesses to lose $50 million per day
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-02-11
Canada's Freedom Convoy has effectively blocked the busiest border crossing between Canada and the United States as the truckers move forward with their protest against COVID-19 rules and mandates. While protests remain on the Ambassador Bridge, located between Windsor and Detroit, governments say that businesses are at risk of losing $50 million a day. The blockade could have a serious impact on the economies of both countries, as it disrupts the automotive industry and agricultural exports. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said it is important for everyone in Canada and the U.S. to understand the potential impact of this blockage on workers and the supply chain. Tim Macklem, the governor of the Bank of Canada, said prolonged blockages at key entry points into Canada could start to have a measurable impact on economic activity. "We've already got a strained global supply chain. We don't need this." Already businesses are feeling the effects. On Wednesday, February 9, automobile company Ford announced that it had been forced to close an engine plant in Windsor and reduce hours at a second factory because of the blockade. Global Automakers of Canada President David Adams said that between 5,000 and 7,000 trucks use the Ambassador Bridge daily to deliver automotive parts, and it is responsible for 27 percent of all Canada-U.S. trade. (Related: Ann Vandersteel lauds Freedom Convoy, slams Trudeau for dismissing protest's significance – Brighteon.TV.)

Protesters still encamped in Ottawa

Hundreds of protesters were still encamped in Ottawa, while others blockaded a second international bridge in Alberta. The head of Canada's Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, Flavio Volpe, said the blockades that were organized in the name of Canadian truckers who oppose mask mandates could result in layoffs for them. Volpe said allowing the protests to continue could lead to the shutdown of automotive parts manufacturers on both sides. Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens also said that while the demonstration had so far been peaceful and without incident, local authorities requested additional support. He also said he did not want to risk additional conflict by removing the protesters.

Arrests made in connection with trucker protest

The Ottawa Police Service also announced that at least 23 people had been arrested in connection with the trucker protest. They added that a total of 85 investigations had been opened, with complaints ranging from hate crimes to damage to property and theft. Police also issued tickets and sought to have the truckers' access to fuel cut off as part of the crackdown to end the protest. Police said a considerable amount of financial support for the protests has come from the U.S., which enabled the protesters to stay in place. Convoy representatives also said they have no intention of leaving until their demands are met. One organizer prompted concern with comments saying that the protests would move on to Toronto, Canada's most populous city. He later backpedaled, saying that he was "just playing a game" with the police. (Related: Fascist Canadian police state attacks trucker Freedom Convoy, supporters say government is "ripping everything apart.") Pandemic restrictions enforced in parts of Canada have been stricter than those in the U.S., but provinces like Saskatchewan, Quebec and Alberta are already moving to lift their COVID measures.

Protests ongoing around the globe

The protest movement has spread well beyond the Canadian borders, with scores of people protesting their own vaccine and mask mandates in New Zealand, which posed some of the strictest restrictions during the course of the pandemic. In France, a convoy also made its way from Nice to Paris to protest the government's COVID rules. The members of the convoy were expected to join a protest in Brussels, where organizers said they expect convoys from across Europe to gather in what they believe is a major demonstration.

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Watch the video below to learn more about the Freedom Convoy: This video is from the Props72 channel on Follow for more updates. Sources include: