Biden's DHS labels "misinformation" about 5G to be a domestic terror threat
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-14
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is attempting to silence independent media personalities talking about the dangers of 5G cellular technology by labeling them as domestic terrorists who represent a threat to the American homeland. According to a recent bulletin published by Homeland Security on its website titled "Summary of Terrorism Threats to the U.S. Homeland," the country supposedly remains in a "heightened threat environment" for terrorism. "It's not what you think," noted Stew Peters, journalist and host of "The Stew Peters Show" on Brighteon.TV. "It's not because we have hundreds of thousands of violent rapists carrying guns going unchecked and unvetted from God knows where across the country illegally pouring across our borders every month." "It's not because Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been given permission to riot and loot almost at will and destroy entire neighborhoods and cost us $12 billion in damage," he continued. "No, that's not it at all. DHS says that we're in danger of terrorism because of misinformation." According to the bulletin, one of the major threats to the U.S. includes "an online environment" that is supposedly filled with "misleading narratives and conspiracy theories and other forms of mis-, dis- and mal-information." The Homeland Security bulletin cited certain specific examples of so-called misinformation online. "Domestic violent extremists have also viewed attacks against U.S. critical infrastructure as a means to create chaos and advance ideological goals, and have recently aspired to disrupt U.S. electric and communications critical infrastructure, including by spreading false or misleading narratives about 5G cellular technology," it stated.

Homeland Security bulletin aims to silence people telling the truth about 5G

Homeland Security claimed that the reason it released this bulletin is because the proliferation of supposed misinformation online might lead people to become distrustful of the American government. The DHS bulletin stated that so-called conspiracy theorists are "threat actors" who will "exacerbate societal friction" and "sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions." It accused people who are voicing legitimate concerns about the rollout of 5G of trying to "inspire acts of violence." (Related: Activating 5G towers could KILL people who took COVID-19 vaccines, analysts warn.) "Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by one offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation," wrote the DHS. Some of the other supposed threats to the nation that the DHS listed include people who spread "unsubstantiated" information regarding the fraudulent 2020 election and the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Labeling everyone talking about the dangers of 5G, the concerns regarding election fraud, the deadliness of COVID-19 vaccines and other supposed "conspiracy theories" threats to the American homeland and domestic terrorists is just a cover for the federal government to shut down these voices. "The real purpose of this is to justify more demands from the Biden regime and to purge [thought criminals] and shut down everything that they don't want getting broadcast," said Peters. "This program, of course, is near the top of that list."

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