Health Ranger calls for CRIMINAL prosecution of Big Pharma executives for their role in designing, promoting LETHAL injections falsely labeled "vaccines"
By ramontomeydw // 2022-02-14
The Health Ranger Mike Adams called for the prosecution of Big Pharma and its allies during the Feb. 11 edition of his "Situation Report" podcast. Aside from the drug manufacturers and CEOs, he also urged the prosecution of scientists and government officials that pushed the lethal Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shots. "The truckers in Ottawa and other cities are now clogging up the roadways, in the same way that you government lunatics were trying to clot people's arteries and veins with the clot shots. We The People now know: The governments are the terrorists. The same governments that were pushing the deadly shots that were killing people, blocking ivermectin and making people die are now saying that anyone who disagrees with [them] is a terrorist," he said. He quoted a recent interview he had with Ohio attorney and Brighteon.TV host Tom Renz. "What we have to shift to now, [Renz] says, is holding the criminals accountable. Those who carried out these crimes against humanity [and] those who violated human rights." According to the Brighteon founder, the list does not stop with White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and former National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins. He also pointed to officials of the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as complicit with criminal fraud. The Health Ranger also gave his listeners a sort of "homework" to commit to by talking to their respective state attorney general. "I want to encourage you to put forth the idea of criminal prosecutions against all those who are complicit in pushing this fraud of the [COVID-19] vaccines. Not just Big Pharma: It's also Big Tech [and] Big Media, [alongside] the hospital administrators. It's a long list of people." "In my view, they all need to be investigated and criminally prosecuted for their role in this, because this is a holocaust-level event, this is a crime against humanity. This is like World War II, except now – the war is happening through the needs. And the thing is, they knew it was killing people.

Tribunals against those responsible for the COVID genocide are proceeding

Fortunately, the wheels of justice have begun to turn – thanks to the Peoples' Court of Public Opinion (PCPO). The PCPO, an international coalition of lawyers and judges, convened a hearing on Feb. 5 in Germany to prosecute the crimes against humanity. According to the group, governments worldwide used the COVID-19 pandemic as the pretext to commit these crimes. German attorney and physician Dr. Reiner Fuellmich said in his opening remarks: "This case, involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a [coronavirus] pandemic, looks complicated only at first glance. There is no pandemic, but only a PCR test 'plandemic' fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population." (Related: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Latest bombshell about COVID vaccines will dismantle Big Pharma.) He added that the COVID-19 pandemic had "already been long-planned," citing the swine flu pandemic of 2009 as a dry run for what was to happen more than a decade later. "It was cooked up by a group of super-rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy and are driven by their desire to gain full control over all the people of the world," said Fuellmich. "Wherever you go, help share and advance the idea that there should be criminal prosecutions of all those who were complicit in this. Mark my words: As the body count adds up, this is going to multiply over the next couple of years – to truly insane, horrifying levels," Adams said. "Believe me, more and more people are going to join the call for criminal prosecutions against the entities that tried to carry out this mass extermination of humanity. They killed probably between one billion and two billion people globally. They mass-murdered over a billion people, that's what historians are going to say when this is all said and done."

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