Autopsy confirms Kansas woman died due to allergic reaction to Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-14
Autopsy results confirmed that an elderly woman from Kansas passed away in late March 2021 due to an allergic reaction to Moderna's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Jeanie Evans, 68, from Effingham, Kansas, served on the city council and was also a clerk for Main Street Food & Fuel. She received her first dose of Moderna's mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on the afternoon of March 23, 2021. Between 15 to 20 minutes later, she started to complain that her airway felt like it was blocked. An ambulance was called and Evans was rushed to Stormont-Vail Health hospital 35 miles southwest in Topeka, where she was admitted for experiencing some kind of anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine. The EMTs who brought Evans to the hospital noted that she was experiencing "severe respiratory distress with labored breathing and stridor and poor oxygen situation." Evans was declared dead just before noon the next day. She was survived by five children, 15 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. At the time of her death, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment refused to explicitly say the COVID-19 vaccine is what caused her death. A spokesperson at the time said that it would be "premature" to assign a specific cause of death before a thorough investigation was conducted.

Autopsy report released nearly a year later

That investigation has now been concluded, nearly a year after Evans' death. A local media outlet, the Topeka Capital-Journal, had to submit a Kansas Open Records Act request to the Shawnee County coroner's office, which conducted the autopsy, to get a copy of the report. (Related: FDA now burying incriminating documents showing Moderna's covid "vaccine" to be harmful.) "Based on the available case history and autopsy findings, it is my opinion that Jeanie Evans, a 68-year-old female, died as a result of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccine administration," concluded the report. The autopsy report attempted to downplay the effects of the vaccine on Evans by pointing out that she has a medical history of hypertension, environmental allergies, allergic disorder and reactive airway disease. The report cited that she has previously experienced an anaphylactic reaction to a drug. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other public health organizations and media outlets who covered Evans' death also tried to downplay the fact that the vaccine killed her by claiming that anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is supposedly rare and only occurs in five people per one million vaccinated. Colt Umphenour, one of Evans' sons, said the family intends to file a lawsuit. He and other family members already hired Lynn Johnson of the Shamberg, Johnson and Bergman law firm based in Kansas City, Missouri. Johnson has been on retainer for the family since April of last year. Evans' family hired Johnson's firm because its lawyers had experience suing for wrongful death, including one case from 2008 wherein the company was able to sue a transportation company for a traffic crash. Unfortunately, Johnson has chosen not to pursue legal action on the family's behalf. He said he could not reveal any additional details regarding his decision because of attorney-client privilege, but he did say that he has personally recommended that the family continue pursuing the case. "I am actively looking for a new attorney to represent the family," said Umphenour.

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