Trudeau's COVID-19 vaccine mandate violates Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedom, says charter signatory
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-15
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) actions violate the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians, according to one of the signatories of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, a Canadian conservative legal advocacy organization, has launched a lawsuit against Trudeau's mandates in Federal Court. The main applicant of this legal matter is Brian Peckford, a conservative politician and the former premier of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The 79-year-old Peckford is also notable for being the last surviving premier and one of the few people still alive today involved in the drafting of the Canadian constitution and the country's bill of rights, the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms. "When I heard Prime Minister Trudeau call the unvaccinated 'racists,' 'misogynists,' 'anti-science' and 'extremist' and his misusing 'do we tolerate these people?' It became clear he is sowing divisions and advancing his vendetta against a specific group of Canadians – this is completely against the democratic and Canadian values I love about this country," said Peckford. In the suit, Peckford and the other petitioners claim that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate "effectively bans Canadians who have chosen not to receive an experimental medical treatment from domestic and international travel by airplane." Trudeau's response to the Freedom Convoy and pro-health freedom protesters around the country is to threaten them with imprisonment. He once claimed that people joining these protests are "breaking laws" and that if they get caught, they will "end up with a criminal record, which will impact your job, your livelihood." (Related: Tiananmen Square in Ottawa? U.S., Canadian governments pushing for tyrannical crackdown on Freedom Convoy truckers.) He has also used his position as prime minister to get the Canadian parliament to unanimously pass a condemnation against the supposed "antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia and transphobia" that he and other politicians claim to have seen on display in the protests.

COVID-19 pandemic does not justify restricting people's rights

In an interview held after he spoke to thousands of health freedom protesters in British Columbia, Peckford said the rallies and other demonstrations against the vaccine mandates will make a difference. "All civil disobedience makes a difference. You do influence the powers that be. They do take notice," he said. "Having been in government myself for 17 years, I'm familiar with that." Peckford added that, as someone who was involved in crafting Canada's charter, he is concerned that the current federal government is misrepresenting the powers it has over Canadians. He "takes this very personally" because of his involvement in writing the charter. The federal government is claiming that Section One of the Canadian Constitution, which allows the government to limit people's basic rights and freedoms in certain cases, is justified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Peckford doesn't think this is the case. "It was never meant to be used in this kind of circumstance," he said. "It was meant for very serious circumstances like if the state was in peril, war or insurrection or other things that threatened the state as a country. Not this kind of circumstance where 99 percent of people recover from a virus. That's not a threat to the state."

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