Canada's controlled media attacks the word "freedom," says it's a tool of the far-right... seriously
By ethanh // 2022-02-17
Canadian media outlet CBC News has a message for the world: If you value freedom, then you are a far-right extremist and possible terrorist. In an attempt to tarnish the reputations of the tens of thousands of protesters who have converged on Ottawa and on the bridge between Detroit and Canada, CBC put out a hit piece claiming that the word freedom is exclusively part of the far-right lexicon, suggesting that it does not belong in "progressive" politics. "Often associated with protests and rallies in the United States, the term has taken hold among protesters who are part of the Freedom Convoy, which rolled into Ottawa in late January and has become entrenched in the city's downtown," CBC Radio reported. "For many, freedom is a malleable term – one that's open to interpretation." The piece then goes on to cite someone named Barbara Perry, director of the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism at the Oshawa-based Ontario Tech University, who maintains that freedom is manipulative. "It is a term that has resonated," she is quoted as saying. "You can define it and understand it and sort of manipulate it in a way that makes sense to you and is useful to you, depending on your perspective." Perry also linked the word freedom to far-right extremist groups, which she worries are growing across Canada in response to Justin Trudeau's unrelenting fascism.

College director compares Freedom Convoy protests in Canada to January 6 "insurrection" in D.C.

Perry went on in her rant to compare Canadians who do not want to be force-vaccinated by Trudeau and his regime to the "insurrectionists" who stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. "I think it resonates very much with what we've been seeing – and maybe takes some inspiration from what we've been seeing – in the U.S. over the last year and a half or so, leading up to the last election and events of Jan. 6," she said. Protesting, in other words, is now a form of terrorism according to the very same people who saw nothing wrong with Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa "protesters" destroying businesses and killing people in the name of "anti-racism." All the Freedom Convoy protesters are asking for is for the Canadian government to stop trying to force Big Pharma needles into people's arms as a condition of employment. Trudeau's mandatory injection policies are a form of medical rape, after all, and yes: freedom means not having to take pharmaceuticals at gunpoint in order to live. If this is considered "far-right," then so be it. Freedom is not a dirty word, regardless of how hard the left tries to make it that way in the age of the plandemic. Evan Balgord, executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, disagrees. He claims that using the word freedom to describe not having to get injected with pharmaceuticals renders it "meaningless." "When they're yelling they care so much about their freedom, they're taking freedoms away from other people who don't have the same kind of agency and choice that they do," he scoffed. Elisabeth Anker, an associate professor of political science at George Washington University (GWU) and author of a book called Ugly Freedoms, even goes so far as to call freedom a form of "violence." "On the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that's trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination," she is quoted as saying. More of the latest news about the corporate-backed media can be found at Sources for this article include: