College student reportedly DIES of Pfizer vaccine-related myocarditis after being forced to take it to go to school
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-17
A young man from upstate New York has died of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine-related myocarditis after he was forced to take it so he can go to school. George Watts Jr., from Lockwood, New York, was a college student. His family described him as a homebody who loved playing video games and being with his family. "[He's] shy at first, but once you get to know him, he's a jokester, a quick-witted kid," said Kelly Watts, George Jr.'s mother. George Jr. wanted to go take his classes in person so that he can learn better and experience college life with his friends. Unfortunately, to do this, he had to be fully vaccinated. He scheduled his vaccine appointment and received his first shot of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in August, and the second one a month later in September. His parents said George Jr. wanted to get the Pfizer vaccine because it was fully approved and supported by the Food and Drug Administration. (Related: Toronto man says Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine KILLED his healthy, athletic 17-year-old son.) After the first dose of the vaccine, George Jr. experienced serious adverse effects that he decided to keep to himself. According to his parents, he found blood in his urine. After he got his second dose, his symptoms got worse. "I noticed he was starting to get puffy in the face, like [he had] a sinus issue," said George Watts Sr., George Jr.'s father. "He had a cough and I decided to take him to the emergency room to see what was going on." Upon getting to the hospital, George Jr. was given antibiotics to treat what was thought to be a sinus infection. But a week after his first visit to the hospital, he was still sick. So his parents took him back to the hospital. After the second visit, George Jr.'s symptoms got worse. "Another week goes by and he's getting worse," said George Sr. "His cough is getting worse, he's coughing up blood, his feet are hurting, his hands are hurting, his eyes, his teeth are hurting. And he didn't like the light, the sunlight." "I told him that I was going to take him to the emergency room the next day after I got out of work," he continued. "We never made that trip to the emergency room." On the night before he was supposed to go back to the hospital for his third visit, he collapsed in his room and was pronounced dead when his body was found the next morning. According to his family, he was very healthy and had no underlying medical conditions.

Watts family still searching for answers

An autopsy report from the Bradford County Coroner's Office pronounced George Jr.'s cause of death as "COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis." "Myocarditis is how I ruled," said Bradford County Chief Deputy Coroner Timothy Cahill Jr. "We are currently working on other cases that are related to vaccine and booster-related issues within our county." "That final statement by the coroner there is so shocking," said TV host and producer Del Bigtree on his show. "Remember, [when] he says 'other cases' … This is a coroner. When he talks about other cases, we're talking about deaths. What he's saying is, 'Yes, we're looking at other deaths that are being caused by these boosters, by these vaccines.'" Bigtree remarked that a county coroner and local media outlets both admitting that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause deadly heart complications is a massive shift from earlier attempts by both government agencies and mainstream media outlets to try and cover up any vaccine-related injuries and deaths. Pfizer has admitted that its vaccine can cause myocarditis, but it still claims that it is very rare for this or any other heart complication to occur among those who take the Big Pharma company's vaccine. "I don't know what else to do, or where to even go from here," said George Sr. The family is heartbroken and doesn't feel peace with being told that George Jr. was taken too soon for what the media and Big Pharma are claiming as just a "medical anomaly."

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