Joe Rogan is being attacked for having people who TELL THE TRUTH about COVID-19 on his show
By arseniotoledo // 2022-02-17
The attempt by the left to cancel Joe Rogan over his supposed racism is just a way to stop him from featuring more doctors in his program who tell people the truth about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This is according to Michael Andrews, host of "The Patriot Hour," who pointed out that the whole issue with Rogan only started when he brought on Drs. Peter McCullough and Robert Malone. McCullough, an expert cardiologist, is one of the most published physicians on Earth and is an advocate for providing early treatment to COVID-19 patients. Malone is one of the original inventors of mRNA technology and one of the top researchers in his field. "Was it ever about canceling Joe Rogan? It was more about who he had on, right?" asked Andrews. "Hundreds of episodes, has a couple of doctors come on, that's when they get upset. When that didn't work, they pull up old racist stuff, which seems to be on everybody's mind." McCullough and Malone are known for choosing to follow the science and not bowing down to the medical, political and ideological orthodoxy that has been built up regarding the COVID-19 pandemic response and the COVID-19 vaccines. Rogan, as the host of "The Joe Rogan Experience," interviewed them both and gave them opportunities to share their views and experiences. Both of these interviews went viral, with Rogan's interview with Malone becoming one of the most downloaded podcast episodes in the history of podcast. (Related: U.S. Surgeon General orders Spotify to censor Joe Rogan for daring to host honest experts like Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough.)

Rogan accused of COVID-19 misinformation and racism

This is where the problems began. The left immediately went on the offensive and clamored to have Rogan taken off of social media networks, including Spotify, which was hosting his podcasts. In response to the backlash, Twitter banned Rogan from posting links to these specific interviews, and YouTube took down the videos of these episodes. "There are three major media units – NBC's 'disinformation' team, NYT's tech reporters and CNN's media reporters – whose primary goal in life is to pressure Big Tech and other platforms to silence and censor voices that deviate from liberal orthodoxy," said left-wing journalist Glenn Greenwald, who came to Rogan's defense. "I don't think it's sufficiently appreciated how twisted and surreal it is that the leading activists for censorship in the U.S. are journalists." The punishments given to Rogan weren't enough, as the left wanted his podcast scrubbed from the internet completely. To that end, they started calling Rogan a racist. More recently, a collage of out-of-context videos from over a decade ago featuring Rogan using racial slurs like the N-word on his podcasts went viral. The collage failed to take into account the fact that Rogan did not use the unacceptable pejorative as an insult against a guest or anybody else. "[Joe Rogan] never really said the N-word. They compiled years worth of him saying the N-word in situation where he was reading stuff, or something came out," explained Andrews. He added that it was no different from people quoting others and not censoring out the N-word when they quote it. "That's the same thing they're hitting Joe Rogan upon, for repeating what somebody else said." He also commented on Spotify removing around 70 shows of "The Joe Rogan Experience" that featured him quoting other people saying the N-word and other racial slurs, and pointed out how hypocritical it is that Spotify is keeping the thousands of songs from hip-hop artists that also feature slurs. "Are they going to remove all the rap songs on Spotify that use the word? Or is that different? See the slippery slope here, folks? It's ridiculous. We can all see it's ridiculous."

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