Dr. Vladimir Zelenko tells Pastor David Scarlett: COVID vaccines are changing people into transhumans – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-18
Well-known physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are changing people into transhumans. "These vaccines change who you are and what do they mean? They go ahead and explain it that after the mapping of the human genome and the development of CRISPR technology, which is gene splicing and editing -- [it's] basically cut and paste -- you can cut out a gene fragment and then place in a fragment from a horse. You can do anything you want. And so they are making... transhumans, or human 2.0," Zelenko told host Pastor David Scarlett during the February 11 episode of "His Glory" on Brighteon.TV. "So, if that's the case, you're made in the image of Bill Gates or in the image of Klaus Schwab. Now, I prefer the human 1.0 version, the one God made. So that's what I mean, you're no longer human. You've been artificially modified by human beings to fit their own agenda." The doctor, who developed the now-famous "Zelenko Protocol", also cited a leaked 2004 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) presentation about a jihadi gene, a gene associated with religious extremism, and how technology was developed to turn the gene on and off. "Now that technology, we may agree or disagree about its application. But the point is they are able to turn on and off and select out the traits and the genes for some reason. Let's say they like green eyes. So they can suppress blue eyes and black or brown eyes if they want. Or if they wanted to control other aspects of your personality, they could change and alter it, so I would not give access to my genetic code," Zelenko explained.

COVID-19 antidote information suppressed

The New York-based doctor, who promotes the use of hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 treatment, added that Dr. Ralph Baric, who was involved every step of the way in the development of the COVID bioweapon from 1998 to 2015, was the same person who did the research that Zelenko built his treatment protocol on. (Related: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko tells Ann Vandersteel: COVID-19 is a bioweapon – Brighteon.TV.) In 2010, Zelenko said, Baric's team created an antidote to defuse the bomb called COVID-19. But that information was suppressed from other doctors like Zelenko, who discovered that information and is now trying to make it available to the average Americans. Zelenko said everything was done to vilify hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in order to delay treatment.

COVID-19 vaccines destroy the human immune system

Aside from discovering that Baric had created an antidote, Zelenko also found evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines destroy the human immune system. He said there are over 30 papers that attributed real damage to the T-cells or the innate immune response to COVID vaccines. "And so in concept, someone who's taken the vaccine has acquired an immune deficiency syndrome. I'm not saying that this is HIV. I'm saying that this is an attack on the immune system, and a person acquires immune deficiency and that causes an increase in autoimmune diseases," Zelenko explained. He said Americans should punish all the people responsible for this global genocide. Zelenko, who lost only three out of over 7,000 patients due to COVID-19, lamented the death of thousands of people. "It's hard to process. But what I take away from that is to get motivated to have the energy, the fortitude, the strength and the resolve to inspire, try to inspire everyone to do their part. I'm only one person, [but] people are waking up and their level of consciousness is rising," the physician said. "And what many people are realizing is that they have to return to God in order to be able to process what is going on. Because it's the lack of faith that leads many people down the path of anxiety and mass psychosis."

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