Dems push for "Department of Reconciliation" that could actually ignite a RACE WAR
By jdheyes // 2022-02-19
The insidious ongoing push by Democrats to divide our multiethnic country by race is advancing to a new level. If they succeed, it is almost certain to be the spark that will finally ignite the race war they have been trying to start for years. House Democrats, with their razor-thin majority, have introduced legislation that, if passed, would declare "unconditional war on racism" while also establishing a new federal "Department of Reconciliation," which sounds suspiciously like a vehicle to dole out federal tax dollars as "reparations" for slavery that hasn't existed in the U.S. for nearly 158 years and no one alive today was ever a part of. "Declaring unconditional war on racism and invidious discrimination and providing for the establishment of a Cabinet-level Department of Reconciliation charged with eliminating racism and invidious discrimination," says a summary of the bill, which was introduced in the chamber last week, according to The National Pulse. More than 30 House Democrats have co-signed the legislation, including some of the worst racists elected to public office since before the Civil War. They include Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota; Rashida Tlaib of Michigan; and Bennie Thompson, who is also chairman of the partisan Jan. 6 Committee. The legislation has been referred to the Judiciary Committee. The bill makes several false claims, including the usual complaints that America continues to perpetuate institutionalized racism as it goes on to lay out "remedies." "Whereas racism and invidious discrimination -- like poverty in 1964 -- remain pervasive in our country; Whereas history is replete with examples of victims of racism and invidious discrimination being denied life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Whereas systemic and institutionalized racism and invidious discrimination exist in virtually all areas of American life, including policing, criminal justice, housing, banking, voting, employment, education, the environment, and health care," it states. Naturally, no legislation accusing the country of racism would be complete without the mention of George Floyd's death -- which, by the way, so far has been dealt with by charging four police officers in connection with his death and already convicting one of them to multiple decades behind bars, something that would not happen in an institutionalized racist country, by the way. The bill claims Floyd's murder was yet another clear indicator "that it has become necessary for Congress to take decisive, immediate and long-term legislative action to address the elimination of racism and invidious discrimination." As such, the legislation outlines a trio of actions the House should take, including a condemnation of "racism and invidious discrimination as evil and antithetical to the United States Constitution." The bill also demands the federal government "declare unconditional war on racism and invidious discrimination in America, and provide the resources and funding for their defeat.” And it calls for the creation of a Cabinet-level (of course!) Department of Reconciliation "charged with ending racism and invidious discrimination, developing and coordinating the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to eliminate racism and invidious discrimination." The bill calls for funding the agency at 10 percent of the Department of Defense budget, which currently stands at around $715 billion. The legislation appears to follow "anti-racist" activist Ibram X. Kendi's demands for the creation of a Department of Anti-Racism (DOA), The National Pulse noted. “The DOA would be responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas,” explained the far-left activist. Maybe what we really need is legislation prohibiting gaslighting racist liars from serving in Congress. This is nothing but an ongoing effort by the anti-democratic left to attack Whites anew from a position of "officialdom" and authority, given the history of the cosigners of demonstrating anti-White animus. They literally want to "institutionalize" racism -- against White Americans and especially Trump supporters. The left wants to tear our multiethnic country apart using race as a weapon. These people are as dangerous as they are disgusting. Visit for more news about the race war that the Democrats are trying to start. Sources include: