Australia's Daniel Andrews accused of YEARS of bullying, threatening women
By ethanh // 2022-02-21
Victorian Labor Member of Parliament (MP) Kaushaliya Vaghela has accused fellow politician Daniel Andrews of being a misogynist. In a tweet, Vaghela issued a statement claiming that Daniels traumatized her by treating her "as a nuisance," as he allegedly also did to many other women. "I would like to thank everyone who has expressed their support and encouragement for me on this very traumatic day," Vaghela wrote. "I have suffered in silence for years and when I did complain I was treated as a nuisance by the Premier's office." Vaghela went on to state that she now feels "empowered and gratified" to be able to tell her story publicly "without the need to care about retribution." Vaghela says that Andrews routinely treats women within his party poorly, claiming that he bullies them and makes them "disappear" from public life. She also claims that Andrews acts spitefully in retaliation against anyone who crosses him, which made Vahela feel "unsafe." "I am scared of him and I'm scared about what he's going to do," she alleges. "I was scared before I crossed the floor." "He will take revenge," she added. "Everybody's scared. That's why nobody says anything against him. And anyone, any woman that does, they disappear, like Jenny Mikakos."

Daniel Andrews runs "Labor gangs" that reward yes men with high political roles, Vaghela says

As you may recall from late last summer, Andrews ordered Melbourne residents to wear a face mask while drinking alcohol, suggesting that they pour the fluid through the mask in order to keep everyone "safe" against Fauci Flu germs. Andrews also pushed to lock up the unvaccinated in jail, the unvaccinated including anyone who does not agree to take "booster" shots. A person can already have been double injected, only to end up being classified as "unvaccinated" for refusing to get "boosted," under Andrews' tyranny. Vaghela is also accusing Daniels of running fearsome "Labor gangs" that wander around party events looking for who will best suit Andrews' agenda. Those considered to be valuable assets are rewarded with high-level positions while others are rejected. "The gang says if people do what they say, then in return the gang will advise the Premier or the relevant minister in deciding who should get such roles, in returning favours," Vaghela said. Daniels and other members of the Labor Party have come forward to denounce Vaghela's claims, calling them untrue. In speaking to the press, Daniels referred to Vaghela as "that woman." Tim Pallas, the Treasurer, also inquired about the state of Vaghela's mind, saying: "It is worrying for me that she said that and it goes to the state of mind. I can assure her should she need assistance from the government in any way to help with her state of mind, we will support her all the way." Considering all the lies that were spread about innocent men during the height of the "#metoo" movement, there is a good chance that Vaghela is lying about Andrews, regardless of how much of a scumbag he truly is when it comes to covid fascism. At the same time, Vaghela could also be telling the truth, so an investigation could be in order. "I have a documented chronology going back to April 2019 when I first sat down to complain about the bullying I was being subjected to," Vaghela says. "This chronology will be provided to WorkSafe as part of my complaint." "Four years of bullying and abuse has taken its toll, so I ask the Premier and his team to stop." More related news about Daniel Andrews can be found at Sources for this article include: