Jeffrey Prather: Putin is making Biden look even more foolish – Brighteon.TV
By ramontomeydw // 2022-02-21
Former intelligence officer Jeffrey Prather told his viewers that his initial assessment of an actual war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine failing to materialize was correct. "I've said it all along that third-generation kinetic war is irrelevant in fourth- and fifth-generation war now. The Biden administration sending paratroopers by commercial flights over to Poland and saying they still think that war is [going to] happen is simply another distraction that is happening," Prather said during the Feb. 18 edition of his Brighteon.TV program "Prather Point." "At the same time, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has increased his standing in the world by making [President Joe] Biden look even more foolish – if that is even possible." Prather continued: "This was a dangle; this was a distraction. Third-generation warfare involving troops and tanks are no longer the norm in the battlefield of the future." According to Prather, Putin need not command his soldiers to attack in order to have an edge over the United States. "Putin already took the friendship pipeline from Ukraine under [former President Barack] Obama and, therefore, he got over 50 percent control of the natural gas resources in Europe. So he has a stranglehold. There is no need for him to do a kinetic third-generation [war]." The former intelligence officer continued that engaging in a full-scale conflict with Russia would be to the detriment of Biden's handlers. "The last thing [the Biden] regime wants is a war where they might be toppled and lose power. It is simply a distraction to try and build some credibility and gravitas with the Biden administration because they are failing at everything else. The puppeteers behind them are running out of puppets," said Prather. (Related: Alex Newman: War advances Deep State objective of one world government.)

Mercenaries likely behind false flag attacks in Ukraine

"There have been reports of bombings [and] artillery attacks there [in Ukraine.] There was an attack at a kindergarten, [but this is] not confirmed. There could be false flags, and this is on the front lines of Ukraine's Donbas and Luhansk regions in the east. But there are no reports of deaths as of yet," the "Prather Point" host said. However, Prather expressed skepticism over these reports. He explained: "[The reason] why I am so skeptical of this is because PMCs – private military companies, contractors or mercenaries – especially from the Wagner group have been redeployed from Africa to the Ukrainian front. The Biden administration and Western officials are claiming that mercenaries linked to Russian spies have increased their presence in Ukraine." Prather cited an article from British outlet iNews about the Wagner PMC's involvement in Ukraine. Brunel University London intelligence and security studies lecturer Dr. Dan Lomas told the outlet that the PMC had been present in eastern Ukraine since 2014 to assist Russian-backed separatists. According to Lomas, the increase of mercenaries from the Wagner group in Ukraine could fit into the narrative of Moscow pulling out troops in the contested areas – with mercenaries taking their place. "It allows the Russian government to muddy the waters and say [the mercenaries] are not officially linked to Russia itself. Where Russia wants to extend their influence, you'll see Wagner [mercenaries] on the ground." The article mentioned that the Wagner PMC is made up of individuals who have served in the Russian armed forces and Russian intelligence agencies, such as the Federal Security Service and the Main Intelligence Directorate. These individuals have also been contracted by foreign governments and groups involved in various conflicts worldwide, such as Syria and Libya. "That's interesting because the U.S. government has been involved [likewise] in Syria and Libya," Prather commented.

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