There is no better way to stifle a child's learning than with all kinds of senseless distractions going on all around them, at all times. Students' inability to focus on what matters is crippling the entire US education field at all levels, and it's coming from all angles, so it's next-to-impossible to remedy. School board members and parents are stepping up to the podiums at meetings and all but screaming for change, but it's not one battle that's being lost, it's the whole war on education.
Communism and "pandemic-ism" are crippling the American education system
From top down and from bottom up, the curriculum, mandates and gender-bender psychology is all being shoved down the throats of students at most public and some private schools, all across the country. The "liberal" agenda isn't so liberal, as nobody is allowed to think for themselves anymore, about anything. The only rights they have are what they are assigned by the government. It's one warped size fits all now, and that's the old communist way. In other words, follow the narrative, teach the narrative, obey the narrative and you don't get quarantined, fired, suspended, expelled, doxxed and reputation-decimated on social media.
The Covid vaccines are causing limited blood flow, so many of the
vaccinated are suffering from heart dysfunction,
blood clots, myocarditis and wait for it… Covid. The masks are limiting oxygen intake and maximizing carbon dioxide intake, thus restricting oxygen flow to the brain while
limiting nutrient flow in the blood. Students are never allowed to work in groups or partners ever again until all things Covid are gone from the earth, due to "safety protocol."
Distance learning (virtual unlearning) is a nightmare, with kids playing with toys during class, leaving the camera view so nobody knows what they're doing and being distracted by siblings, pets, snacks, music, you name it. Teachers are frustrated and losing the passion to teach.
Fake or false-positive PCR tests have everyone and their brother testing positive for Covid even if they just have a head cold or the seasonal flu, thus leading to 10-day or even 14-day quarantines that are unfounded and don't help anybody at all, especially the student, who goes strictly to the virtual "unlearning" environment.
Sex, sex and more sexual "identity thinking" in school instead of learning
Wait, did you send your child to school to learn? Forget about all that. Most American students, from age 2 to 21, are being libido trained to think about sex and their genitals and other's sexual preferences all day. Science doesn't exist anymore in school. Only the study of whether you want to be a boy or a girl today, which bathroom to use... should you "flow" into another gender, and even what to call yourself according to the sex partners you would like, plus, don't forget the core study... how to 'adore' the
sex-crazed Drag Queens who are reading stories to you. So thoughtful are they.
They're just grooming children to become
sex-crazed transgenders by taking dangerous hormone drugs and mutating their private parts. Talk about the "devil in sheeps clothing." What has America become?

Most schools are teaching that all white people were born racist, over-privileged, undeserving jerks who should be on their knees praying for forgiveness to the Black slaves from the 1800s.
As most children and teens are stuck on smart devices from home all day due to quarantines and lockdowns, everything they research is controlled and limited by fake news, fake science, fake history and one-sided politics.
Meanwhile, boys and men are hanging out (pardon the pun) in girls' and women's locker rooms, bathroom stalls and shower rooms, pretending like their gender is "fluid." Some students "identify" as
cats or dogs, so there are literally
litter boxes in the school bathrooms, and teachers must bark or meow at them all day or face job termination.
Top 10 ways American schools have been RUINED just in the past few years...
- Lockdowns and virtual learning
- Mandatory masks
- Social distancing
- Covid "vaccines" (gene mutation jabs)
- False-positive PCR Tests -- used to quarantine students and teachers
- Gender fluidity nonsense
- Critical race theory
- Unisex bathrooms and locker rooms
- Computer software & search engines -- that falsify history, health and safety info, including fake "fact checkers"
- Little kids at daycare centers and elementary schools are being read "story time" by Drag Queen (transvestite) sexaholics
As a bonus, don't forget that 99 percent of school food contains chemical additives and is void of any nutritional quality whatsoever. Tune your internet dial to for updates on experimental scamdemic Covid "vaccines" and "boosters" that cause blood clots and other horrific side effects.
Sources for this article include: