Negligence, fraud, malice – shouldn't we all be wiser to Pfizer?
By newseditors // 2022-02-22
Many governments are offering pharma companies exemption from legal liability, but Pfizer has made indemnity demands that have gone way beyond that of other manufacturers. Pfizer has included additional indemnity from civil cases meaning that it would not be held liable for rare adverse effects, but also astonishingly, for its own acts of negligence, fraud, or malice including manufacturing errors. Acts that we show in this article, that is not out of the ordinary for Pfizer.
(Article by Patricia Harrity republished from
Why though has the government failed to let the public know this? Pfizer has a long history of committing acts that would question their drug safety, and the drug pushing company’s, honesty, and integrity, why has the public not been made aware of this fact?
We Rely on Testimonials
Scanning reviews and testimonials have become increasingly common practice for our nation of consumers, and there are even websites created specifically for the purpose of enabling us to read the experiences of others before purchasing anything and everything from a tin opener to a car.
This enables us to have an informed choice as a consumer knowing whether a particular company or product is of quality, good value trustworthy, and importantly, is it safe. It seems ridiculous to say, but if there were over 1000 reported deaths attributed to a new product, in the first two months of sales, chances are everyone would know about it and it would be very unlikely that the product would still be available.
Exempt From Public Review?
That is, unless it is a big pharma company, such as Pfizer, as we know that this has happened with the Pfizer COVID product, yet it is still available, despite there being evidence that it is ineffective and potentially deadly.
When it comes to deciding to have a pharma product injected into our bodies where a potential side effect is death, “testimonials” or reports of adverse events are either met with cries of “fake news” or just censored altogether.
This should ring the alarm bells, yet many people have trust in a company that certainly would not do well on a public review website, but individuals choose to ignore the shocking Pfizer track record and trust them with their rushed through experimental product.
Here are some of the Pfizer business which we shall call the Pfizer “Testimonials
Those Who Seek to Earn A Profit Through Fraud
We can start In 2009 when Pfizer paid “$2.3 billion in the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. for “mis-promoting” medicine Neurontin for uses not approved by medical regulators, and paying “kickbacks” to compliant doctors, the Guardian newspaper reported.
The investigation was sparked by Pfizer whistleblower John Kopchinski, who exposed Pfizer for mis-promoting their drugs, thus, putting patients at risk of heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. Kopchinski reportedly said that at Pfizer, he was expected to increase profits at all costs, even when sales meant endangering lives. “I couldn’t do that.’” he said.
Pfizer pleaded guilty and also settled civil allegations concerning improper payments to doctors who prescribed nine other pharmaceutical products, although it continues to deny these charges but was to pay record sums in an out-of-court deal with the US department of justice.
Prosecutors said Pfizer’s crimes had been carried out over an extensive period of time a government attorney added “such blatant and continued disregard of the law will not be tolerated […] “it was a victory for the public over those who seek to earn a profit through fraud”.Unfortunately, the $2.3 billion fine against Pfizer according to the New York Timesamounted “to less than three weeks of Pfizer’s sales.”
Illegally Promoting Drugs & Putting Lives at Risk
This was just pocket change to Pfizer who clearly undeterred by the huge fine, was sued again in 2009. for illegally promoting their drugs, this time regarding Neurontin which was being promoted as an epilepsy treatment.
TheNew York Times had published extensive evidence that Pfizer “manipulated the publication of scientific studies to bolster the use of its epilepsy drug Neurontin for other disorders while suppressing research that did not support those uses.
Pfizer had delayed the publication of studies that had found no evidence the drug worked, ‘spinning’ negative data to place it in a more positive light, and bundling negative findings with positive studies to neutralize the results.”
Also, one of Pfizer’s own studies showed a placebo was more effective than Neurontin on neuropathic pain, the study was suppressed and Neurotonin was still illegally promoted.
The case was instigated by whistle-blower Dr, Franklin who had previously testified in another Neurontin case in 2004 which resulted in Pfizer pleading guilty and paying a $430 million settlement. the 2004 case did not cover everything and new unsealed court documents were produced evidence that not only did the company, and its subsidiaries push Neurontin for unapproved uses, they did so – “knowing that the drug was ineffective“.
Outright Deception and Suppression of Scientific Truth
According to the documents, Pfizer engaged in “outright deception of the biomedical community, and suppression of scientific truth” and more, Pfizer were said to be guilty of “stalling or stopping the publication of negative study results; manipulating both trial designs and data to make the drug look more effective than it was, and using questionable tactics to enhance the drug’s image and increase its sales.
The author of the documents was also the director of the Center for Clinical Trials at John Hopkins University, Kay Dickersin who wrote that the Pfizer practices were “highly unethical, harmful to science, wasteful of public resources, and potentially dangerous to the public’s health.”
The Pfizer Ex-CIA Agent
As a result of the case Pfizer showed their true colours, mafioso style, as the night before the case Pfizer stalked whistleblower Dr Franklin and sent an ex-CIA agent to his home, where the Pfizer investigator called Franklin’s wife repeatedly, blocked the driveway, looked through the windows shouting at his wife, and would not leave until his wife called the police,” This was terrifying for the family including an eight-year-old child., they would not leave until his wife called the police.
Dr. Franklin told the judge that Pfizer’s investigator told the family on the phone, “‘We know all there is to know about you,’ and then cited the location of my daughter 200 miles away at college. “How the hell am I supposed to remain unbiased when you do that? It feels like a threat.” The judge placed a restraining order on Pfizer for “any private eye with respect to Dr. Franklin or his family.”
TrovanChildren & Blackmail.
Pfizer has shown their disregard for children previously when they administered an experimental drug Trovan on 200 children after a deadly outbreak of meningitis in Nigeria in 1996. The drug pushers never told the parents that their children were the subjects of an experiment.
11 of the children died & many suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure.
Pfizer was sued by the Nigerian state and federal authorities, but did not want to pay out to settle the two cases, one civil and one criminal, but came to a tentative settlement with the Kano state government costing them $75m (source).
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="584"]Washington Post – Article[/caption]
Although it was leaked that Pfizer again hired investigators in an attempt to “unearth evidence “of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to blackmail/persuade him to drop legal action according to a leaked US embassy cable. Also, eligibility was dependent on DNA tests carried out on the children. to prove that they are victims, which was felt was to deny the victims of the money.
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