What life is like RIGHT NOW during the Ukrainian invasion
By victort // 2022-02-25
As The Organic Prepper predicted, yet did not hope for, the Ukrainian-Russian war has now popped off. There were simply too many signs to believe that anything other than a full-scale invasion would happen. (Seriously. If you believed otherwise, you need to quit trusting your TV.) Ukraine’s largest cyberattack ever. Massive blood shipments being staged. (Article by Aden Tate republished from TheOrganicPrepper.com) It never was a “military drill” on Russian soil.  It never was “sabre rattling.” This was about war from the beginning.

And now it is here.

Russian forces began rolling into Ukrainian in the night hours of February 23, rapidly gaining ground in what is best described as a blitzkreig. President Zalensky of Ukraine quickly began tweeting out calls for help, both to his own countrymen, and to the international community at large. Anybody who desired a weapon in Ukraine can now get one. It appears that all prisoners within Ukraine can now be released provided they fight for their country as well. This is liable to prove an attractive alternative by many rather than being placed in a Russian jail. Air strikes have literally taken place throughout the entire country of Ukraine. Nowhere there right now is truly safe. In addition, there has been a significant portion of the country that has already fallen to the Russians. As of this writing, the Russians have made significant headway on the Eastern Front, are positioned in the north, and have made significant advances into the underbelly of Ukraine as well. We’re not entirely sure what to make of the next video. Perhaps there was a military target nearby? Was this just fired into a neighborhood?

People are flocking underground.

Within the major cities, civilians are flocking to the subways in the hopes of being able to survive incoming missiles. There are some videos surfacing of civilians having been hit by rockets. We have not linked to them below as they are rather graphic. Massive numbers of Ukrainians are fleeing the country right now as well. Major traffic jams have been reported outside of the city of Kiev as people attempt to leave in unison. Poland has set up a number of centers in their country in an attempt to handle the large number of Ukrainian refugees that are fleeing across the border. Russia’s primary news website, RT.com, had previously posted an article discussing how American troops and Polish soldiers handling refugees in Poland were dangerous to Russian interests. This post cannot be linked to as the site RT.com is now inaccessible. Hacker collective Anonymous has publicly stated they are dedicating their resources and personnel to attacking Russian interests. There is a possibility that they are responsible for taking down the site. A cyberattack by Ukraine is most certainly not out of the question here either. Read more at: TheOrganicPrepper.com