Outrage: Biden admin looking to protect Poland's borders during Ukraine conflict by taking U.S. agents away from porous border with Mexico
By jdheyes // 2022-02-28
If you still don't believe that Joe Biden and his Democratic Party are not out to destroy what is left of our American republic, this story should convince you otherwise. Readers know that since Biden took office and reversed nearly all of President Donald Trump's border enforcement policies, our country's boundary with Mexico was essentially eliminated. In the wake of Biden's reversals, historic numbers of migrants have crossed illegally into the U.S., while the Mexican-based cartels have dramatically ramped up the smuggling of deadly fentanyl, which is increasingly being made with ingredients shipped in from China. Now that war has come to eastern Europe, compliments of Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, there is a real danger that millions of Ukrainian refugees will flood into neighboring countries. Like Poland. In order to 'handle' them, Biden's regime is calling for U.S. Border Patrol and Customs and Border Enforcement volunteers to help Polish authorities, even as the migrant and drug-smuggling crisis on our own border raged. Just the News reports: For the second time in a year, the Biden administration is seeking to divert Customs and Border Protection officers from the southern border crisis to an overseas conflict, this time to help process people fleeing the Russian assault on Ukraine. In a memo sent Thursday morning and obtained by Just the News, CBP's office of field operations sought volunteers willing to deploy immediately to Poland for "Operation Ukraine Support." The request comes six months after a similar effort to process Afghan refugees after the bungled U.S. exit from that country. That operation was sharply criticized Friday by the Pentagon inspector general for poor Defense Department vetting that allowed 50 Afghans posing serious security risks to enter the United States. "The Office of Field Operations is seeking volunteers to assist with the possible evacuation of U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their immediate family members from Ukraine," the memo sent to field operations executives noted. "Eligible employees who volunteer for this situation may be selected to serve a temporary duty assignment in Poland to facilitate travelers for entry into the U.S., to include providing guidance and problems resolution to other government agencies," the memo continued. It also said that volunteers should be ready to ship out "within 2-3 days" after being selected and ought to plan for at least a month's worth of work overseas. The memo also said that volunteers should either be vaccinated against COVID-19 or have natural immunity from a recent infection (notice how that latter condition doesn't apply to the rest of the country). "As a mission necessity and to avoid post-arrival quarantine, volunteers must be able to provide a negative PCR test taken within 24 hours of arrival and meet one of the following conditions: fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccination" or "recovered from COVID-19 within six months prior to arrival," it says. "Once deployed employees are expected to perform all assigned duties and may be required to work irregular shifts and schedules, up to seven days per week including holidays and weekends," the memo cautioned, noting that volunteers would be compensated with overtime pay. This insanity was preceded in December by a Biden regime effort via his now-defunct 'Build Back Better' fiasco to help fund the Mexican cartels with U.S. tax dollars, per Open Borders News. "Mexican cartels will gain access to taxpayers’ money as they smuggle more foreign children into American schools, neighborhoods and places of employment," the outlet reported. "Republican Party sources said the plan offers up to $3,600 annually to each guardian of the children. Neil Munro of Breitbart noted that this includes "imported children who have no Social Security number," the outlet continued. Still think Democrats are an 'America first' party? Sources include: JustTheNews.com OpenBorders.news