Ben Armstrong warns Biden administration: Acting tough now against Russia could put the world on the brink of a nuclear war
By nolanbarton // 2022-03-01
Ben Armstrong warned the Biden administration that acting tough now against Russia could put the world on the brink of a nuclear war. "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin is never going to view Biden as not weak. I don't know why they don't understand that. How do they not understand that Putin is never going to respect Biden, so telling Biden to act tougher isn't going to work. Am I wrong? How do they not know this? So why are they saying really irresponsible things? I've heard some irresponsible stuff that could get America blown up," Armstrong said in a recent episode of his self-titled program. He was alluding to Biden's earlier warning to Putin that the U.S. forces will defend North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) territories if Russia broadens its assault beyond Ukraine. Following Biden's warning, the Pentagon announced that 7,000 extra personnel and military equipment were being deployed to Germany. "If you want to act tough, you better be prepared to back up what you're saying," Armstrong said. "Here's what I'm saying. I'm not irresponsible. And I'm not saying those things. I was saying we need to de-escalate and not escalate this. And the Ukraine is not our fight." (Related: Trump blasts Joe Biden over handling of Russia-Ukraine crisis, warns that "world war" is now very possible.)

Globalists escalate tension in Ukraine

Armstrong said he was worried because the globalists have escalated the tension in Ukraine. "The globalists are looking at Putin. And they are saying, 'look he's even struggling taking the Ukraine.' They don't understand that the reason why Vladimir Putin is struggling with the Ukraine is because he's trying to take the city [of Kiev] without blowing it up," Armstrong said, referring to Ukraine’s capital city. Putin wants Kiev for Russia. "This is not how he would fight a war with an actual enemy that he doesn't view as a Russian brother. He views the Ukraine as something he's going to integrate. He doesn't want it flattened and destroyed," Armstrong said. The Russians are well-aware about radioactive fallout. "Putin doesn't want Kiev to be a nuclear wasteland. They came through Chernobyl folks." But the world needs to understand that Putin is a killer. At some point, Armstrong said, Putin will get frustrated and will start showing the city what he's capable of. Russia is on nuclear high alert, although Armstrong believes it's not intended for Ukraine. "They've got the codes out there for the military – they are ready. All it takes is a word. Putin has told his military to put the world on notice. The reason why is for the Western nations to see. That has nothing to do with the Ukraine. That nuclear high alert has to do with the sanctions. Because the Western world escalated it," Armstrong said. (Related: Western media is literally peddling Neo-Nazi propaganda to prompt war between Russia and Ukraine.) "I've been saying for the greater good of humanity: The Ukraine is not worth escalating. But we have many leaders that want to act tough. And they think by acting tough, they're going to put us in a better position. Instead, all they're going to do is put Putin in a corner and make him lash out."

Never underestimate Putin

Those leaders may be underestimating Putin, or they haven't been paying attention to what the Russian leader is saying all this time. "Putin is saying, 'I will first strike with nuclear weapons.' He's saying that, and nobody believes him. Everyone thinks that he's not serious," Armstrong noted. "He believes nuclear [weapon] is something that should be used as a first resort if you need to win, especially against a foe like the United States. Now, nobody wants to believe him. And everyone will think that I'm hysterical for saying, um, Vladimir Putin will use nuclear weapons for (the) first strike." The general consensus is that no one would do (the) first strike. That would mean mutual destruction. "Folks, let me get your head into the right place. You live in 2022, not 1985. I think most Americans still think of nuclear war, like in the movies, war games where little nuclear missiles are launched, and you can see them coming. You have an hour to prepare, and you know what country that came from. That is not how it is," Armstrong said. "If Putin launches it, there will be no radar, there's nothing that will indicate this. There will just be an explosion out of nowhere. Let's just take New York City because it should obviously be like one of the number one targets, then Washington D.C. All of a sudden, your leaders are taken out." Speaking of which, Armstrong thinks doing the State of the Union is a bad idea at this time. "I don't know what's going to happen. I'm just thinking, if I'm an evil man like Putin, and I want to do a first strike, all the leaders are going to be gathered in one place at one time, and they only do this once a year. And you're talking about every leader that is essential. Why would you do that when someone's threatening the brink of war? That's all I'm going to say."

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