Freedom Convoy trucker protests highlight struggle between freedom and a "Great Reset"
By ethanh // 2022-03-04
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is finally backing off from martial law by rescinding the Emergencies Act, but it took a fight to accomplish this. The Freedom Convoy trucker protests demanded an end to all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions in Canada, and Trudeau continually refused because covid fascism is how the World Economic Forum (WEF) plans to impose a "Great Reset" through its "Build Back Better" (6uild 6ack 6etter) agenda. Build Back Better, as you probably know, is also fake "president" Joe Biden's slogan, as well as that of Trudeau and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. All of these deep state hacks pushed the lockdowns and mandates because they had no choice: This is what WEF founder Klaus Schwab needed them to do to usher in his global new world order. The trucker protests exposed all of this and more, revealing that the fight against covid fascism is really a fight against being enslaved by the globalist cabal. It was never about health, in other words. For now, Trudeau has scrapped his authoritarian declaration of martial law due to widespread backlash, claiming that "existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient." We will see if it lasts, though, because the Great Reset is still on the agenda even if things seem to be relaxing a bit.

Trudeau and other tyrants are just puppets of the hidden globalists

It turns out that Schwab and his friends at the WEF and other associated entities have been at this thing for quite some time now. They are a cabal of globalist predators who hire and train politicians like Trudeau to do their bidding. Biden is another political hack being controlled by this cabal, as is Emmanuel Macron of France and Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand. All of the major players who have been oppressing their people openly for the past two years are in on the agenda. "None of Trudeau's actions should be viewed as that of a national leader," reports explain. "He is simply implementing the tactics he learned at WEF founder Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders program, from which he is a graduate." "Hence, any of the other Western nations now being 'led' by politicians also committed to the WEF vision of the world would act exactly the same way given the same set of circumstances in their countries. We know Biden is one of their cronies. He even named his landmark piece of legislation after the WEF slogan, 'Build Back Better.'" Biden, to be fair, is probably being controlled by Barack Hussein Obama, seeing as how the latter admitted during an interview that his ideal leadership style for a third term would be to do it incognito through an earpiece. Either way, these figureheads are just puppets on a string doing the bidding of their masters. And their masters, for the past two years, have instructed them to impose harsh tyranny on the people in order to get them to revolt so that the next phase of the Great Reset can be implemented. "The global predators knew their forced masking and mandated injections would eventually lead to worldwide uprisings and civil unrest," reports explain. "They predicted it in the Rockefeller Foundation document from 2010 called Lockstep. How to handle these popular uprisings was all discussed and rehearsed ahead of time – label them as criminals and hit them where it hurts, shut down their finances. This is the Great Reset, in our faces." While Trudeau has stepped back from his Emergencies Act martial law, at least for now, Biden, Macron and many others are still moving forward with theirs. Chances are, the cabal still has something sinister up its sleeve for the entire world. More related news about the Great Reset can be found at Sources for this article include: