Dr. David Martin tells Clay Clark: mRNA vaccines are gene therapy designed to harm and enslave humanity – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-03-07
Well-known truth-teller Dr. David Martin told "Thrive Time Show" host Clay Clark that the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are gene therapy designed to harm people. "We now have data that has been clearly published in the last several days showing that mRNA does get into the genome, does modify the genome and is not something that's just this innocent little shot that creates a spike protein and you kind of get you fever and get you COVID symptoms and you get over them," Martin said during the March 2 episode of the "Thrive Time Show" on Brighteon.TV. "This is a genetic engineering and genetic modification, as stated by the companies. And it is, in fact, gene therapy, designed to harm humanity and perpetually make humanity a slave to the ongoing gene editing fantasies of psychopaths." (Related: Bayer executive says covid mRNA shots are "gene therapy" falsely marketed as "vaccines.") Martin also gave an explanation about CRISPR after Clark brought up the technology that uses mRNA in gene editing.

CRISPR technology

"CRISPR has been around for almost a decade. It is a technology where we use nucleic acid engineering sequences to go in and essentially clip out what are called palindromic repeats," Martin stated. "Most people don't understand that this whole thing, this whole mess that we're in right now actually started in the 1950s, when we took what was chromosomes, which is the natural occurring form of nucleic acids in the human body, and pulled them apart and turn them into what we call DNA, that model does not exist. In reality, it doesn't exist in any living system. "What do exist are chromosomes, the entangled version of nucleic acids. But what we did was we took them apart, we took them into these long strings. And then what we found is that there are sequences inside of those we call genes. In those genes, what we found was sub-sequences which actually are the ability to insert or delete information into the genome." The speaker and author also compared CRISPR technology to patchwork quilts. He said that a patchwork quilt has a series of patterns and what CRISPR does is it takes one of the patches of the quilt out and replaces it with a different patch. "But here's the problem. Chromosomes actually have multi-dimensional information. When we decide to clip out a piece and clip in another piece. We're not just changing the color of the quilt pattern. We're changing the quilt. That's a problem," Martin said.

Prophets of AI

Clark showed a video clip of Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, who is a historian and bestselling author, speaking at the World Economic Forum. The host asked Martin about his opinion on the top adviser of WEF founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. Martin said Harari has a very warped view of human experience just like theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and businessman-entrepreneur Elon Musk. He elaborated: "His worldview is like the worldview of those who are the prophets of AI, the prophets of simulated reality. Those prophets all are calling for the erasure of diversity, so that we can actually have a command and control system that quite literally controls what would be called a human population through nothing more than simple upgrades, modifications, Trojan horses, viruses, literally and figurative. "Their worldview is one that says that there will be an architect and the architect will come in and establish the code and the code will be what the expression of humanity is, in their likeness and image. "The bottom line is to have a worldview that says, 'We, those individuals who have creative thought, who have freedom of expression who have liberty, we are going to be exterminated, so that we become a slave race bent on the consumption and control of a few people who think they're the programmers.' "The fact of the matter is, Yuval Harari is wrong. Stephen Hawking was wrong. Elon Musk was wrong. AI is not to fear, because it, in fact, has no power over those individuals who have decided to preserve the integrity of their bodies, their minds and their spirits."

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