New study shows Pfizer vaccine is ineffective for children aged 5 to 11
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-03-08
New study has shown that Pfizer's vaccine is almost entirely ineffective in children aged five to 11. Now, the so-called health experts are saying that it may have something to do with the dosage. Researchers at the New York State Department of Health found that vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection declined from 68 percent to only 12 percent over the period of December 13, 2021, to January 30, 2022. In contrast, effectiveness for those aged 12 to 16 only declined from 66 percent to 51 percent over the same period. The Food and Drug Administration recommends that children under 12 receive only a third of a dose compared to the older children, which, according to the researchers, could explain the "drop" in its effectiveness. However, Dr. Meryl Nass, a member of the Children's Health Defense Scientific Advisory Panel, said that Pfizer actually lied about the safety and efficacy data of its vaccines involving young children. According to her, the studies in the 5 to 11 age group are brief and unsatisfying, with inadequate safety and efficacy data that showed no strong support for why the vaccine is necessary.

Pfizer remains confident

When asked about the results, Pfizer said the company is still "confident" in the protection and safety of their vaccines, adding that they have a robust booster research program for adolescents. It is unclear whether Pfizer will seek authorization for booster doses for kids five to 11. Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, said it will be hard to determine whether a higher dosage or another shot is necessary for kids five to 11 because the omicron variant has been shown to evade immunity in vaccinated and boosted adults. So despite being vaccinated, it is not guaranteed that Pfizer's vaccine can offer any protection to children. (Related: Injecting children with Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine is reckless and dangerous.) Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it is collecting its own data on vaccine effectiveness in children and will be releasing its findings soon.

Risks outweigh purported benefits

Published data suggest that in order to prevent ICU admission among children in the 5 to 11 age range, 1.9 million children will need to be vaccinated with at least two doses of the Pfizer injection. This means that around 7.6 million doses will need to be administered to prevent one ICU admission. Experts also claim that severe adverse reactions among children are extremely rare and that only two cases of vaccine-related myocarditis are reported per one million doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered. However, even if these numbers were true -- numerous reports say otherwise -- around 15.2 children in this age range would still develop myocarditis per 7.6 million doses. In other words, 15.2 children will develop a life-threatening condition for every single ICU admission avoided courtesy of Pfizer's mRNA vaccine. (Related: UNKNOWN RISK: Pfizer admits more studies are needed on myocarditis risk linked to COVID vaccines for kids.) This is especially dangerous, considering that myocarditis weakens the heart to the point where the rest of the body does not get enough blood. Clots can also form in blood vessels that could lead to stroke or heart attack in young children, showing that there is a huge amount of risk in forcing children to get vaccinated against COVID with near-zero benefit. Also, keep in mind that myocarditis is just one of the many side effects of the experimental injection. Pfizer has already delayed the timeline for vaccines for children under five, saying that more time is needed to test the third dose. These tested doses are even smaller than that of the five to 11 age group.

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