Geoff Ramsey, Venezuela director at the Washington Office on Latin America, told the Washington Post that Rubio is on to something, that Biden is looking for a quid pro quo, not for more oil. “It’s very unlikely that senior Biden officials would go to Caracas and meet with Maduro and be able to sell a major policy shift like this if they were to come home empty-handed,” Ramsey said, according to the Washington Post. Last week Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced a measure in the Senate to reinstate US energy independence, which has been decimated under Biden, even accounting for a downturn in oil demand because of COVID. “President Biden has imposed more restrictions on U.S. oil companies than he has on Russian oil,” Cruz said, according to Fox News. “With Iran, he has looked the other way as the regime busted through sanctions and raised their exports to more than one million barrels per day for the first time in almost three years,” Cruz said. Biden is even considering begging Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia to open the oil spigots for America, after Biden chastised the prince for the CIA suspicion that he was involved in the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, reported Axios. But the US ally seems tepid about the proposal. Asked about his relationship with Biden, if Biden simply misunderstands something about him, the prince told the Atlantic: “Simply, I do not care.” “It’s up to him to think about the interests of America,” added the prince about Biden and the price of alienating Saudi Arabia. So if one’s keeping score at home: Biden really cares about Venezuelan, Iranian and Saudi oil, but America’s oil? Not so much. Read more at: secret talks with #MaduroRegime isn’t about replacing #Russia’s oil #Venezuela’s oil industry is an incompetent mess that produces 10% of what Russia exports
Ukraine is just an excuse for pro-leftist former Obama staffers who already wanted to get close to Maduro & Cuba — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) March 7, 2022
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